Page 81 of Body Tox

I reached down and grabbed the golden dagger from the ground, and our blood was dried onto the blade. Grabbing a dirty rag, I threw it over his face, smashing his body down with the bar he was chained to.

I pulled his arms by his head and sliced his wrists, not enough to let the fool bleed out, but just enough to let the blood pour into the rag, effectively choking him. He gasped and spat, the red liquid spraying from the rag as he drowned in it.

When his struggles became less and less, I yanked his arms down, giving him a minute of air. I sliced his robes off him, leaving him naked. The sadist in me hardened at the pathetic, sniveling mess below me.

His dick was a pathetic noodle compared to mine, likely only used as a butt plug at best. A delicious idea came to me, and the true terror on his face had my blood vibrating.

“You used this pathetic piece of flesh to hurt her,” I said, running the blade down over the flaccid penis.

He yipped, and his cries got louder.

“No, god, please! Have mercy, please. Save your soul if nothing else, son.”

“You’re not my Daddy, you rapist fuck,” I barked, and he cowered away from me, shaking his head and making the bloody rag fall to the ground.

That was okay. He was going to watch this.

I leaned down and got on my knees before the man, holding between my finger and thumb the tiny little dick.

Carefully, slowly, and precisely I cut.

It felt like fine hairs ripping apart bit by bit, the skin peeling open like a split hotdog, busting open and flying free of its anchor. Blood pooled, creating a river over my hands that I had to ignore to keep my new toy perfect for my Little Wraith. I wouldn’t succumb to my addiction. The addiction I had to pleasure Echo’s body was far more than my need for blood.

I needed to taste her. Needed her body. I needed…her.

The realization kind of scared me. What the fuck was I going to do about this? I shook off the feeling, and my realization could wait. I was going to be deaf by the end of this. His screams were making my ears vibrate.

“Would you shut up? I am making art here.”

I stopped my cutting long enough to shove that bloodied cloth into his mouth, and the reprieve on my eardrums was immediate. I could see the blood drain from his face, and I smacked the shit out of him, jolting him to let the adrenaline keep him alive long enough to see this.

I pressed down on the wound, and the penis was finally freed from the rest of his body. I laid a flaccid dick in my hand. I managed to keep it relatively intact.

I even circumcised him for her since she was so shocked about my uncut cock from before. I would be the only fucking cock she had, and I could use this asshole’s foreskin as more stuffing.

I cauterized the bleeding wound with the flame of the candle, burning his flesh together and reveling in his downright silentgasps of pain. That was my favorite when their voices were gone, but they still tried to scream.

“Still alive, little Alex?” I mused, smacking his cheeks to see him whimper.

“Why? Why would you do this to me, you-you a-animal!”

“Gift-giving is my love language,” I said with a shrug, stuffing the penis carefully with the foreskin and not having enough material to keep it stiff.

I looked down at his chained hands and started cracking his fingers back-and-forth until the skin gave way and flayed off.

Smiling at my work, I stuffed the digits into the penis skin and felt the firmness that it had now. Nodding at my handy work, I looked at him right in his wild eyes. The darkness of his irises was what my Little Wraith had watched in fear.

“What pretty eyes you have, monster.”

He gulped, closed his eyes tightly, and looked away, but I already had his head in my hand.

I shushed him, humming a little lullaby they used to sing to me at the orphanage.

“Pray to your god, Alex,” I said, slicing the knife over his cornea.

Surprisingly, there was no blood spurting, and his eye looked weirdly alien without the black of his iris. The fucker magically was still alive, and the shock had taken over, so his cries faded, and he just stared at the wall behind me. I smiled at the man, waving at him with his penis in my hand.

“Bye-bye Alex. See you in hell.”