I wasn’t above killing the help because valuable information was part of the mission.
Get the information, and get the girl.
Emerging from the darkness, I pushed my half-skull mask from my face. “Good evening.”
His eyes widened, and he looked down at his small shovel, busying himself with the flower pot beside the home. I stayed out of sight of the camera’s view, standing directly underneath it.
“Miss Svenson left her phone. I mean to return it,” I said, flashing the sparkly pink bedazzled replicated cell phone.
The man peeked out from under his hat, still hesitant to speak.
Was he from another country?
I studied the man’s features, guessing he was of Spanish heritage, and when I repeated my purpose to him in fluent Spanish, he finally looked up at me. We were taught many languages, but I couldn’t remember shit except Spanish.
“Si, Miss Svenson is not home…”
I looked around the area and smiled warmly at the man.
“I will just leave it with her father then. Is he home?”
The gardener shook his head.
Smiling wider, unable to hide my intentions, I bowed to the little gardener and walked away as if leaving the premises. But when he wasn’t looking, I sauntered back to the maze that was covered with fucking vintage-rich-people-shit that would be a wet dream to a homeless man. The owner had a rose garden and an oversized, shining fountain. The items looked like they were from a goddamn magazine. It made me sick.
Vines were extending from the garden, roping up to the second and third floors of the house.
I tested my foot on the ivy, and after a practice tug proved to keep me from dying at least, I linked my fingers through the rope-like weed and pulled myself up. Feeling like some prince scaling a building, I laughed my ass off as I climbed. It was out of sight from the cameras that extended the length of the bottom floor.
I finally found a window that I could squeeze my ass through. What was it with rich people and not locking shit? They think they are untouchable.
Guess again, Little Wraith.
I slipped into the bathroom and dropped onto my thigh. It still hurt like a bitch from the gate.
“Not making it easy for me, huh, Little Wraith?” I tsked in the dark hallway, trailing my finger around the wall and keeping my distance from the internal camera’s viewpoints.
These people were certainly paranoid. I was doing a fucking ninja dance just to avoid being spotted.
A bright pink door at the end of the hall practically blinded my ass from the awful neon color, and I had a good feeling by the familiar perfume permeating through the crack that this was her room.
What could the vain princess be hiding in her castle?
I plopped my ass on her poofy mattress, knocking gaudy looking throw pillows off the head of the bed. There were collage pictures on powder pink walls. They looked like students. If I had to guess, this woman was college-age, and these were classmates.
Plucking a photo from the wall, I eyed the date on the picture. Hmmm…it was from last year. So, she was likely a sophomore in college. Maybe some of her shit in here would give me an idea of what she was studying in school. Any insight into her prim little life would help me eliminate it.
I walked around the room, ignoring the dead insects pinned to the wall, an interesting hobby, and the fuzzy bean bag chair in what looked like a sex dungeon reading corner. I picked up a book from one of the shelves and flipped to a random page.
Fucking unrealistic sex scene. Women got their jollies off to fourteen-inch cocks and vampires?
Her vanity held a ton of makeup, jewelry, and that sweet yet spicy perfume I’d smelled on her. Curiosity hit, and I picked up the intricate bottle of clear liquid, bringing it to my nose and spraying it in the air.
It wasn’t like most of the cheap perfume I’d smelled on women daily, but there was a difference in the way it smelled in the air versus on her. Frowning, I set down the bottle and continued my search.
A laptop was on the desk beside the vanity, so I opened it. The fucking passcode was protected, of course. I growled in frustration and typed in some random shit, names of classmates from the photos, and notes in her phone.
Nothing worked, but it was worth a try.