“Was it for my father?”
I didn’t blink.
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me anything but a name and a photo.” She looked puzzled at that, her eyes bouncing back-and-forth from me to the door.
“Name and a photo?”
I nodded. Echo reached into her pants pocket and pulled her cell phone free, clicking random buttons until she turned the phone screen toward me.
Flashing on the screen was my face. My name was written neatly underneath it. A red swipe over my eyes, signifyingI was the target.
This was exactly how I first saw Echo. Her picture and her face were a replica of what she held.
Does this mean…?
“Wait…do you work for the?—”
“Debt Collector,” we said in unison.
I cursed, and she joined in with some random language.
“All this time, we have worked for the same fucking organization? They put a hit out on me? You were my last target. I am supposed to be free.”
Things came together in my mind.
“You were free?”
“I lied,” I said, rubbing the scruff on my cheek. “I took a photo of you when you cut your leg. You looked dead, so I sentthat picture as confirmation, and I was told I was free of my services.”
She stared at me, unsure what to say in return.
“You lied about killing me…and then I was assigned the task of killing you.”
The irony…
Two assassins contracted to end the other.
What was the point?
“Why did you have a target on you in the first place, Echo? Do you know who would have paid for that?”
She bit her lip deep in thought.
“So, what does this mean now?” I said, wondering myself.
“May the best assassin win.” She shrugged, reaching her delicate hand out to me, her catlike grin allowing her white teeth to peek through her full, thick lips.
“You think you can beat me?” I reached out my hand to link it with hers.
“I mean, a retired old fart like you?” she teased with a wink.
“You are impulsive thoughts personified, Little Wraith.”
She grinned wide, tilting her head. “Hmm, okay. Tell me, what am I thinking, Pretty Boy?”
She stood up, and her body was positioned like a predator, a mountain lion ready to attack. I looked up at her, unable to keep myself from grinning.