Page 55 of Body Tox

“He is fine. Heloveskids.”

She hesitated but then nodded, leading me up some creaky stairs to a room in the back corner. The same theme of old wood, peeling ceilings, and dingy wallpaper greeted us.

This room looked like an office of some kind, with a small bed on the far back wall.

Did she sleep here?

A large portrait was in here, and children lined up on the grass outside. The house looked vibrant and new in the background. The yellow was not pale and shined as bright as the sun in the photo.

The smiling faces of the orphanage kids were just as bright, except for the little girl in the front row at the center. She was maybe twelve or so and had big blonde braids and bright blue eyes. Her smile was there, but it was filled with pain and emptiness none of the others had.

A man stood with the kids, chunky and smiling, along with everyone. His hand was placed on the sad girl’s shoulder, and his other hand was hidden behind the others. His robes looked like a shadow.

A familiar face stuck out to me in the crowd. On the other side of the girl was a little boy. His light brown hair and vibrant eyes looked full of life. He was using the little girl’s braid as a mustache.

It was Asher.

“That’s our troubled little Evangeline. This picture was taken a few days before she died,” Beatrice said, walking to the photo and handing me a stack of photo albums.

“I see, poor little girl.” Her eyes were definitely haunting.

“Who are the other children? I don’t see you in this photo, sister. Did you join the orphanage later?”

She pointed to the corner of the photo, a shadow showing as the photographer. Of course, she’d always been here, just unseen.

“This is Nigel Richman. He was the headmaster.”

Creepy man gripping the girl’s shoulder. Got it.

She named different kids, pointing and smiling at each, her memories taking her back to all her adventures shown within her smile.

“And this one?” I said, sliding my fingertip over Asher’s childhood photo. Even at that age, he was sporting a cheeky smile.

The headmistress put her hand on her forehead, shaking her head no and sighing.

“That’s Asher Ballard. He was an ornery child! Constantly hanging the children’s dolls on the door handles with craft string, and putting elastic on the sink handles. Prankster through and through, that boy.”

She sighed again and relaxed her expression into a somber one.

“This place has failed our dear Evangeline, but in my heart, I feel it also failed him. He was always in trouble with the headmaster and never stayed long in a foster home. He became a sort of role model for the children here, and something happened that made his teasing behavior change one day. The last I saw him, he told me that I was the light of this place, and without it, it would be extinguished.”

I studied the boy in the photo. He appeared to be free-spirited and lively. He definitely didn’t seem to be the broody Asher I knew.

The question remained, though…what took awayhislight?

The annoying ass toddler was making my knee throb, but who was I to ruin some good old practice torture at such a teachable age? These walls and their peeling papers certainly felt as haunted as the rumors surrounding this old shack. I knew every door, every corner, every hidden crook of this place.

I rustled the kid’s hair playfully. She giggled and ran off to attack some other person with her plastic hammer. I felt like I was holding my breath.

God, Evangeline was nearly a decomposed pile of rot, yet the kids here looked as happy as they could be.

Shelving units had been built since I had been here. This room used to be a quiet prayer station, but now it was filled with toys, craft paper, pens, and markers.

I could see the scuff mark of where the podium used to stand. Headmaster fuckhead droned on about sin and hell. The kids here used to be so scared that they didn’t dare speak, all consumed with the fear they’d burn in fire for simply existing.

You have been placed here for a purpose, children. Your subconscious thoughts have brought dishonor and shame to those who gave birth to you. Now, you are to repent for the sins committed.

Fuck him…he was the only sinner that lived within these walls.