Page 40 of Everything I Desire

He stops her hand and pushes back. “Not at all. I want you girls to have a good time today, if you text me what movie you want later I’ll order the tickets for you.”

A tear slides down Kayla’s cheek and she flings herself at Porter, hugging him tight. Emily sees the moment for what it is and walks quietly to the bathroom with her makeup bag. She has two devoted and loving parents, so this is a common thing for her, but she recognizes that it isn’t for Kayla and I’m grateful she has a friend like Emily.

While Emily is getting ready for the mall Porter calls Kayla in. “Hey, do you mind if Addy and I talk to you for a second?” He asks.

“What’s going on? Is it Mom?” She asks, worry on her face.

“No, nothing like that. We just wanted to let you know that you are right, Addy and I are going to be dating.” Her shoulders drop in relief.

“Duh. She’s here isn’t she?” She says.

“What your uncle means to ask is, are you okay with us dating? I know it’s another change for you and if you’re uncomfortable with it then we won’t.” I rush in to add.

“Of course I don’t mind. I love you both, and you guys love each other, everyone knows it.” She says so simply.Porter looks at me.

“Right. Okay. Well I’m glad that’s settled. But if you’re ever uncomfortable with it you can tell us.” Porter reassures her.

“Trust me, if she can stop you from beating Eric to a pulp she can stay.” She jokes. “Is that all? I have to go get ready?”

“Yea, go ahead.” Porter replies, and places his hand on my thigh.

She skips back into her room and starts pulling makeup from her bag.

“Well that went alright,” Porter shrugs.

“I told you it would.” I smile at him.

Once the girls are ready we bring them to the mall. Porter buys their movie tickets to the latest chick flick, and they run off, happy for a night of freedom.

When we get into the truck again he backs out of his parking spot.

“So, what are we going to do?” I ask him.

He looks at me smirking. “We are going on a date. Our first real date, that isn’t just pizza at the general store followed by a visit to the lake.”

“I love that lake.” I smile at the memories. “But, we have definitely been on a date before.”

“Nope. Never. Anything in Lupine Valley doesn’t count, especially when only one of us was grabbing the food so we could hide from your dad.” He cringes at the mention of my dad. It’s something we really haven’t talked about. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to speak badly of himsince -.”

“Don’t worry about it, Porter. He was a jerk to you, and you don’t even get to have him to see the man you are today, to see all that you’ve become.” I place my hand on his resting on my thigh.

“I talked to your Mom.” He says. My eyes go wide.

“I remember you saying that, but you never told me what happened.”

He recounts the story of how my mom showed up after Maura was arrested at the garage and before I showed up.

I’m glad my mom did that. I’m glad she can see the man Porter is, and not just the family he was born into like my father. I hope that he is happy with my mom’s blessing, that he can move on from the feelings my father intensified.

We pull into a parking spot, and I’m looking around trying to figure out where we’re going. But I don’t see anything that looks like a restaurant.

“It’s a tiny hole in the wall. I used to come here all the time when I stayed here for court fighting Maura.” He looks like he’s remembering a bittersweet memory. “Maria and Tony are the owners. They cook the most amazing Italian food I’ve ever had, and it’s all homemade.”

I can tell that this place means more to him than just good food. When we walk in I am proven right.

“Tell me it isn’t so!” A woman runs over and pulls Porter into a hug. “Porter Jackson! You haven’t called me since you came through here and told me you were going to get that niece of yours!” She hitshim on the shoulder with a wooden spoon, making me laugh.

“I’m sorry, Maria. It’s been. . . a lot.” He says.