She swats my chest, “You get dressed now, then go down and apologize. I’m going to stay until Eric leaves.”
My frown deepens, “You can stay, baby. I’d like you to stay. Now that I’ve had you again, I never want to let you go.” I pull her tight.
“I can’t yet, Porter. You need to let Kayla get used to it first. You can’t throw me in her face. I’m one of the few people she’s trusted these last couple years. We need to talk to her first.” She pulls out of my arms, and pushes a pair of sweatpants in my hands.
“Fine. But I hate when you are the logical one, just so you know.” I give her a pointed look as I walk out of the room to apologize to some sixteen year old kid about having his hands on my niece again.
I stand on the bottom landing of the stairs, “Eric. Can I please speak to you?”
“Yes sir.” He jumps up and runs over to me, I lead him outside on the porch. He is still nervous as hell.
I gesture to the chair on the porch for him to sit next to me. “Listen, I’m sorry Imaybeoverreacted. But you have to respect boundaries, dude. Feeling up my niece on my couch is one of those boundaries you don’t need to cross.”
“Yes sir, I understand.” He says wringing his hands.
“We good?” I ask him.
“Yes sir.” He sputters.
“For God’s sake, call me Porter not sir. And you respect that girl in there. She’s special.” I say before walking inside, letting him make the choice to stay or go.
“Thank you si- Porter.” He yells to me as I walk through the door and go back to Addy who is now in the kitchen.
I walk in scowling and she can’t contain her smile.
“Was that so bad?” She comes over to wrap her arms around my waist.
“Not anymore.” I say kissing the top of her head. “What do you say we pop some popcorn and go chaperone the movie watching?”
She walks over to the pantry and pulls out a bag of popcorn to microwave.
Damn, I’ve missed this woman who always has my back. It’s been a lonely existence without her.
I will not let my past rule my future one more second.
Despite last night ending with me in my bed alone, and Kayla’s boyfriend staying even after I told him to get out, we did end up having a good time watching the movie and even played some card games after.
But now, the fun is up. Addy is meeting me in a few minutes so we can go down to the jail before they release Maura. I want to try to get her to go to rehab one more time. But after this, I’m done. She can take the help or leave it but she needs to leave Kayla alone and let her have a good, stable home with me.
“Hey, Uncle Porter.” Kayla greets me as she sleepily shuffles into the kitchen for some breakfast.
“Hey. What are you up to today?” I ask her. I haven’t told her about Maura, and I don’t know if I want to bother her with it this morning.
“Nothing. I might go hang out with Emily later.” She shrugs, pouring sugary cereal into a bowl.
“Oh ok, I’m going to go out with Addy for a bit, but I’ll be back shortly. We just have an errand to run.” I say nonchalantly.
“Are you two dating?” She pauses with the spoon midway to her mouth to ask.
“Uh, we are -” A knock at the door saves me from answering.
I rush off to open the door, and find Addy on my front porch.
“Good morning,” she says.
“Good morning, baby.” I pull her in for a soft kiss.
“Yup. I called it. Dating,” Kayla says. “See you later lovebirds” She sing-songs from the kitchen table.