“An eight pack,” I answer without thinking and cover my mouth with my hands when I realize my mistake.
“Adelaide Harper. What aren’t you telling us?” Lauren spins around to face me.
“It was nothing. He walked me to my car one night when I dropped Kayla off. He may or may not have had a lapse in judgment and plastered his hard body against mine. It was a moment of weakness, besides, I ruined it anyway when I told him I couldn’t do it and ran at Kayla’s interruption.”
Lacey pulls the window up, letting a burst of cold air in. Before anyone can stopher she’s got her head in the open window. “Hey, Porter Jackson. Welcome back!” she yells.
He turns and waves in our direction. “Why don’t you come over and catch up?”
His eyes widen at their invitation.
Oh my gosh. What does my sister think she is doing? Catch up? Since when does she feel the need to catch up with him?
“Sorry, ladies, I gotta finish this up before the storm tomorrow. Maybe another time.” He stares straight into my soul with the saddest look, letting me know that he’s respecting the boundary he thinks I set in place. It would do me good to think that boundary is there too.
“Lacey!” I slap her arm playfully. “What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?”
“Someone has to push you out of your comfort zone by keeping him at arm’s length! I mean come on. The man lives next door to you. And look at him!” She exclaims, closing the window.
“I’m good in my comfort zone though. I like it here. That’s why it’s called a comfort zone.” I cross my arms.
Lauren slides onto the couch next to Lacey.
“And that, my dear, is why I showed him this house knowing it was next to you. Haven’t you ever read a romance novel? Forced proximity and all. It works. I’m telling you.” She pops a chip in her mouth.
“Okay, okay, let’s leave Addy alone.” Scarlett drops her arm around my shoulders and squeezesme. “Besides, I’m pregnant. That’s definitely juicier tea.”
I whirl around, “What? Really? I’m getting anotherniece or nephew?” Lacey and I start jumping up and down, hugging Scarlett.
“Just don’t tell Mom! We haven’t told her yet. Since she’s so busy with her new boyfriend and all,” Scarlett laughs.
Mom has been taking a lot of trips with Scott. Once she decided to let the guilt of moving on go, she has jumped all in with this relationship.
I am really so happy for my mom and sisters. But I can’t help feeling the pang of jealousy at my family’s happiness. Especially as I stare at the man outside my window who made promises of this future in hushed whispers laying under the stars ten years ago.
I absentmindedly rub the tattoo on my forearm. Reminders of those times and memories inked on my skin forever.
As Lacey and Scarlett embark on wedding planning and baby talk, Lauren comes over and throws her arm over my shoulder. “Sometimes it kind of sucks to be in the singles club, huh?”
Ha. If anyone knows how I feel it’s Lauren.
She’s been in love with Brad since they were in high school together. He also moved away but came back and is now our local police officer, still as oblivious as ever to her feelings.
“I’m happy for them. I really am.” I leanmy head against hers.
“Yea but it doesn’t stop the jealousy from coming up for us,” she whispers.
I take one last look outside at Porter, and our eyes connect. He gives me a sad smile and a half hearted wave, completely unaware of my feelings warring within my head. I close the shades and walk back into the kitchen with the girls. A physical reminder of that boundary I’m trying to keep until I know if he’s here for good.
Or wants me to go with him. If he asked I would still follow him anywhere.
They stay for another couple of hours, we finish off the pizza, and cookies from Mom while watching a Hallmark movie. I walk them outside and once they leave I stand on the porch and stare up at the stars. It’s such a clear night, nights like this were always Porter and I’s favorite.
The cold wind is carrying the scent of the impending snow. I groan inwardly. I’m sick of winter at this point. Once Christmas is over, the cold and snow can go.
“The stars are still as beautiful as ever.” I jump at the sound of his voice, grasping my chest.
“Jeeze, Porter. You scared me.” We lock eyes as he ascends the stairs to my porch.