Page 43 of Everything I Desire

“Hey, Kayla, do you mind if I talk to you about something?” She pulls her headphones out of her ear and sets her spoon down.

“What’s going on?” She asks.

“Well, last week, your mom came by the shop.” I start.

“And you’re just telling me now?” She’s angry. Shit. I wasn’t ready for angry. Nervous and worried I was prepared for, not anger.

“Kayla, I didn’t -”

“That’s what going to the city was about! Wasn’t it? It wasn’t just some fun trip for me. It was all about keeping mom away from me?” I am out of my depth. She is seriously pissed off.

“Kayla-” She pushes back in her chair, grabs her backpack and runs out the door.

I follow her, but I’m not going to force her to talk to me right now. Addy is outside getting in her car as Kayla slams the passenger door shut, not even acknowledging Addy. She looks at me confused because Eric has been driving Kayla to school lately.

I motion for her to come over.

“Um, what happened at breakfast?” she asks.

“Well I tried to tell her about Maura, and she’s mad because she thinks the city was a pity trip and not just something special for her. I think she feels like I tainted the trip with this. The worst part is I didn’t even get to tell her anything other than she came by the shop last week.” I sigh.

She steps into my space, “Oh Porter. I’ll talk to her on the way to school. It’ll be okay.”

I kiss her forehead.

“Thanks, baby. I’ll see you after school? It’s a slow day and I want to be here to talk to Kayla if she even wants to talk to me later.”

“Yea, I’ll let you know how it goes on the way to school.” She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me before walking back to her car to deal with Kayla for me.

I go back into the house to finish my breakfast before heading into the shop for the day. Ronnie is back in Florida for a month before coming home so I’m officially on my own as the shop owner this week.

News of the sale traveled fast around town once Mrs. Smith found out and to my shock people are happy for me. So many people have been popping in to say hi and to congratulate me. But the best visitors I had were Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They came by to welcome me to Main Street as a business owner. When Walter told me he was happy to have another man on the street my chest filled with pride. They finally made me feel like a part of the community, truly.

It makes me wonder if I made a mistake leaving all those years ago. How different would things be if I had stuck it out and fought for my name and built a life with Addy?

I try not to dwell on the what ifs but they’ve been hitting me hard with all the gossip focused on me again, at least it’s positive gossip this time and not talking about how shitty my family is.

A text from Addy comes through as I’m setting up the shop for the day.

Addy: I smoothed things over, she forgives you, but you’ll need to talk to her today. And maybe buy her some chocolate ice-cream.

Me: You’re a lifesaver, baby. I'll stop on the way home.

The relief floods through me that Kayla isn’t still mad at me.

I’m going to cook Addy dinner tonight to show her how much I appreciate her. She’s been really stressed at work lately with the end of the year coming in about six weeks, and the students’ state testing coming up. Even with all that she’s still been there for me and Kayla.

I should give her more than dinner but she’s always been more appreciative of the little things than a grand gesture.

Luckily, spring is in full swing so I can grill because my abilities in the kitchen are almost non-existent.

I’m planning the meal while fighting with the Corvette again when I hear the door shut. I wipe my hands on a rag and walk to the front of the shop to greet whoever came in.

“Hey, Porter.” Stacey walks in the shop, calling out to me before I get there.

“Hey, Stacey, what’s going on?”

The only concern running through my mind is that Maura is causing issues for Kayla.