Page 27 of Everything I Desire

“What? No. I wanted the place to look good for you. I wanted you to see that I can take care of theplace and you’re leaving it in good hands,” I stutter out.

“I’m leaving it to you because you’re a damn good mechanic who has ties to this town. Not because you know how to sweep out a bay.” He looks at me incredulously. “When you gonna see yourself for what you are?” His eyes bore into me. He’s always seen through my bullshit.

“I always see myself for what I am, Ronnie. It’s why I stayed away. It’s why I should still stay away. I’m honestly shocked I haven’t seen Andrew Harper here threatening me.” I prop the broom against the wall.

“That why you left that girl behind here pinin’ for you all these years?” He takes a seat on my stool next to my toolbox.

I guess he wants to have this conversation now. “Yea Ronnie, it is. She deserves so much more than my drug addicted family. Her daddy chased me out of town to keep us away from her and I don’t blame him. He’s right, Ronnie.”

“Andrew Harper passed five years ago.” He looks down at the floor. “Ain’t no one told you that?”

My jaw falls almost to the floor, “What? How am I just now finding out about this? What happened?”

“Mrs. Smith and Darlene are slackin’. They must be too concerned about Kayla whenever you’re near. The Harpers were hit by a drunk driver on the highway bout six years ago. Lorelei was beat up pretty good, but Andrew didn’t make it.”

“Shit, Ronnie. How did no one tell me?”

“Don’t know, boy. Thought you knew. Maybe everyone else does too. It’s the one thing this town can seem to keep their mouths closed about though.”

“Well, now more than ever I should heed his wishes for Adelaide. I’ll never get his blessing even if I thought I earned it.” I sit on the stool next to him.

“Are you doin’ drugs, boy?” he asks.

“Of course not! How could you ask me that?”

“Well. Way I see it is this, you got yourself out of that drug addicted family. You became something, you’re a damn good mechanic. You know how many calls I got while I was gone asking if we were the shop that has Porter Jackson for restorations? Which, by the way, we need to switch this shop number to you, ol’ lady wasn’t too happy about the phone calls, neither were the customers.” He laughs and I can hear Patricia nagging him about shutting off his phone.

“Listen, just because I’m a good mechanic doesn’t mean I’m a good man for her. I –”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Ronnie interrupts me. “But I won’t sit here and try to force you to see it, you gotta see it for yourself. But that girl there, she sees you for exactly the man you are. Always has. Plus, she’s a pretty little thing. You’d do best to figure out your shit and make that girl your ol’ lady.” With his final word on this topic he gets up and grabs his jacket off my toolbox. “Let’s go sign these papers, boy. I’m due back in Florida next week and I’m not risking a pissed off wife because youcan’t get your head outta your ass.” He walks up the stairs to the office and I follow. Silently.

Since my conversation with Ronnie this morning, I can’t stop thinking about what he said. I want him to be right. I want to be worthy of Addy. But I’m just a mechanic, who is taking care of his niece because his family can’t get their shit together long enough to stop being addicts and burning bridges in this town.

At least I finally got Kayla out of that hell hole park. I am trying my best, but Addy deservesthebest. Someone who can show her the world.

As I climb in my car, I send her a text, once again asking her to come back into my bullshit life.

Me:Think you can help me this afternoon again? I need to tell Kayla about Maura and you have the closest relationship with her.

Addy:Sure thing. What time?

Me:Dinner? I’ll cook.

Addy:Um, I don’t think so. How about I cook and you guys come over about 6?

Me:Better idea. See you soon.

I’m a nervous wreck waiting for Kayla to get home.

She is out with that Eric kid. Again. Part of me is glad she’s finally happy and hanging out with friends even if it’s a kid who thinks it’s ok to kiss my niece on my couch. Addy says that she has really opened up at school. But I’m not prepared for the protectiveness I feel over her dating so soon after I’ve come back. She’s still just a little girl to me.

I hear footsteps on the front step and I’m up out of my seat before Kayla can open the door.

“Oh, hey Uncle Porter! What’s going on? Did I forget about plans?” she asks, looking around the house trying to figure out what she’s missing.

“No, not at all. Addy wants to make us dinner tonight and she said to be there around six. She’s making your favorite,” I say with a smile.

“Ooooh, I love Addy’s chicken parm. Is that what she’s making?” Kayla licks her lips in anticipation of Addy’s cooking. I don’t blame her, Addy is an amazing cook, it's almost too hard to picka favorite.