Page 25 of Everything I Desire

Me: This is the one. >

Porter: Oh. That’s beautiful. I’m sure she will look great. Right?

Me: Porter, you are a good man. That isn’t the dress. She wants it to be a secret so you can see her for the first time when she is ready for the dance.

Porter: Oh, that’s sweet, but baby, I’m only a good man in your eyes.

Me: Mine should be the only ones that matter. One day you will see it too.

“That’s an awfully big smile over there. Who might be behind that smile, Addy?” Lacey asks.

“I bet I know, it’s probably Uncle Porter. He gets the same smile when it’s Ms. Harper.” Kayla says with a shy smile on her face.

“Hey! Will you two quit ganging up on me!” I admonish them. “It is Porter, but only because we are talking about Kayla. My smile is because of how beautiful she’s going to be on the night of thedance.”

Kayla slinks away from the group with my compliment.

She’s come a long way, but I think today is a little bit emotional for her knowing that it isn’t her own mother here shopping with her.

“Well, this baby is hungry. So can we please go get some dinner now?” Scarlett begs.

“Yes! I’m starving.” Kayla joins us again and Scarlett starts to walk out of the dress shop with her, while Lacey and I finish paying for her dress.

I decide to not use Porter’s card. I want to do this for her, she deserves it all.

Once we get back to my house, Lacey and Scarlett are more than ready to get back to their homes, so they leave as soon as we unload the car, leaving me and Kayla inside my kitchen.

“Thank you so much, Ms. Harper. I really appreciate you and your sisters taking me today. It was nice to do somethingnormalfor a change. I might not get my mom, but I’m glad I have you.” She hugs me.

“Oh, sweet girl, anytime. I was happy to go with you. And for the millionth time, you don’t have to call me Ms. Harper outside of school.” I turn to the fridge to grab some water.

“Well, maybe I can call you Aunt Addy someday,” she says quietly under her breath.

I’m not sure if she meant for me to hear but I’m glad I’m facing the inside of my fridge and not her. I gulp, and try to hold back the tears before I have to face her again.

“Okay, I’m going to bring this stuff home so I can go out with Eric!” She bounces out of the house toward her own home.

Thank goodness I don’t need to address that comment. I text Porter to let him know that he can come over whenever she leaves with Eric. I’ve been worried about what news he has about Maura all day.

Porter:She’s going out with that kid again. Did you know about this? Where are they going? She just ran out without telling me!

Me:Oh stop it, Porter. They’re going to the diner to meet up with their group of friends. She’s fine. Darlene has it handled.

I am waiting for a response when my front door opens. “Something about that kid bothers me, baby.”

Oh jeez. Porter and his protective streak. I found it endearing when we were dating, but I’m sure Kayla doesn’t feel the same.

“Porter, he’s fine. I promise you.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Oh really? Fine? You know what isn’t fine, the way his eyes rake over my niece’s ass when he helps her into his truck. That is not fine, Adelaide.”

Oh no, he used my full name, he must be really worked up tonight.

“Why don’t you come sit down and tell me what’s really bothering you about Maura.” I pat the couch next to me, but he comes and takes a seat on the coffee table to face me.

“She’s fucking back, baby. She’s back and she knows the trailer is gone. It’s only a matter of time before she tries to find Kayla.” He runs his hand through his hair.

This is bad, but we can handle it. At least we know the town won't help her find them in their new home. They may be gossips, but they know what is harmful, and what is in good fun. “Ok, what are the next steps? Does she have a right to Kayla?”