Eros and I ate in silence, and after we were done, he cleared his desk of our food containers, carrying them out of his office to the bigger trash can in the small common area. When he came back into the room, I gripped his hips and backed him up against his desk, a smirk playing on my lips. I was hard, and I was aching for him. For Jaxon, too, but I couldn’t have that. Not yet.
“Do you know how fucking hard I’ve been since I laid my eyes on Jaxon?” I rasped into Eros ear. He shivered, his breath hitching in his throat. I pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear, and his blonde strands tickled my face. “I want to watch the two of you together. Watch you make him fall apart. And then, I want to watch him impale you on his cock.”
“Fuuuuck,” Eros groaned, his head falling back on his shoulders. I took advantage and pressed hot, lingering, open-mouthed kisses to the column of his throat, my cock throbbing in my pants and pressing into my zipper.
I pushed his scrub pants down and then dropped to my knees. He looked down at me through half-lidded green eyes, and then, a porn star-worthy moan filled the room as I swallowed his thick, leaking cock to the back of my throat. God, I fucking loved it when he moaned like that. I loved how vocal he was. Eros was always so damn needy, and I was here for it.
“Zep, baby—Gooood,” he groaned, lacing his fingers in my dark hair and tugging. He thrust forward, driving his cock even deeper down my throat. I growled and gripped his hips, pinning him back against the desk. He hissed a breath through his teeth when the edge of the desk dug into his back, but then, he was going slack-jawed as I scraped my teeth right over that sensitive spot beneath the tip of his cock. “Christ,” he whimpered, his knees beginning to tremble.
Keeping him pinned where I wanted him, I worshipped his cock, sucking hard and deep, hollowing out my cheeks. He tugged on my strands, his hips twitching, and then, finally, he was coming down my throat, gifting me with what I wanted from him.
Leaning back on my heels, I licked my lips, grinning up at him. He groaned, slumping back against the desk, sucking in deep lungfuls of air. I chuckled.
“Too much?” I rasped, my throat a little raw and my jaw a bit tender.
He shook his head as I began to fix his pants. “Just… right,” he panted.
I grinned and pushed his top up to press a kiss to his flat stomach before standing to my feet. I drew him into my arms and pressed my lips to his. He grunted, his hands coming up to land on my ribcage. “I need to head back to the shop.” I pecked a kiss to the tip of his nose. “See you at home?”
He nodded. “See you then. I love you. Drive safe.”
I winked at him as I backed toward the door, my dick still hard. But he needed to get back to work, and so did I. “Always, baby. I love you, too.”
Her skin was so frail beneath my hand, and her smile was fading just like the light leaving her eyes. It hurt to see her like this.
“You promised me, Jaxon.”
My heart squeezed. Pain lanced through my chest. “Penelope, princess?—”
She shook her head. “You promised me, remember? You promised me you would move on. You can’t remain sad and miserable over me for the rest of your life.”
How the hell could she say that when for so long, she’d been the center of my universe? How the fuck did she expect me to move on when we shared twenty fucking years together? When she saved me? How was I supposed to move on from her?
“It’s not as easy?—”
“It is,” she said, interrupting me. “You’re just making it hard.” Reaching up, she cupped my cheek, catching a tear as it ran down my cheek. “Find love again, Jaxon.”
I jerked awake, sweat clinging to my skin. Silent tears were running down my cheeks. Her voice had beenhers—the voice she’d had before the cancer really began to wear her down and slowly take her away from me. But the image of her pale, sunken-in skin had ruined the beautiful Penelope that had been my wife.
I hadn’t dreamed of her since the night Spencer and I had brought her ashes home. Her image had even begun to fade from my mind. But now, she was back in 4k HD.
“Why are you reaching outnow?” I asked her, my voice filled with pain, but I knew I was only speaking into my empty bedroom. Sighing, I leaned forward, bracing my elbows on my knees, and dropped my face into my hands. I scrubbed the tears away before I just stared down at the carpet beneath my bare feet, my chest almost too tight to breathe.
“I don’t know how you expect me to just move the fuck on,” I muttered. But once again, nothing but the darkness and crickets chirping outside reached my ears.
Ash meowed and began rubbing against my side. I picked her up and cradled her little body to my chest. At least I had her. I could deal with this with her. She was someone to take care of. Someone I needed to remain strong for.
“Are you hungry, little one?” I asked, rubbing my finger beneath her chin. She began purring, and the sound loosened something in my chest. Standing from my bed, I padded out of the bedroom and into the hall. “Let’s go get a bottle, huh? I don’t feel likecleaning up your messy paws.” When I’d given her some of the soft food Eros had sent me home with yesterday, she’d made quite the mess. Soft food waseverywhere. And Ash hadnotbeen easy to clean up. She’d eaten as much as her little belly could handle, but eating soft food was definitely going to be a slow process.
After sitting at the bar and feeding Ash from the bottle, I set her down to let her roam the house. It was only four in the morning, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. Not with Penelope haunting my dreams.
I grabbed my phone and pulled up my Spotify cleaning list, letting “Strong for Somebody Else” by Citizen Soldier drown out the depressing thoughts of my wife. If this continued, I would seek therapy. But for now, I’d wait it out to see if she went away on her own.
Ihopedshe went away on her own. I couldn’t handle her haunting my dreams. Not when I was already confused over these weird feelings for Eros and his husband, Zeppelin.