“Do you want to go first?”

“I mean, I can.” I spin some noodles on his fork.

Feeling a brief reprieve, I nod my head eagerly. Both terrified of what he could say, and curious.

He chews, swallows, and takes a sip of his red wine.

“So, I leave on Saturday. We will travel from city to city, twelve of them. All on the east coast, over the next three and a half months. It’s cramped, it’s chaotic, it can be annoying. But it’s a fucking blast. We get on each other’s nerves, but we’re never lonely. However, this round is different. And that’s because of you.”


“I don’t want to go without you. I don’t want to be lonely, and with you not there, I would be. I would like for you to join us on tour if you can, that is.”

“Are you sure?”


“Are the others okay with it?”

“Yes. We talked about it yesterday while at the studio and we all agreed that it only makes sense. Mikey was a little apprehensive, but he came around.”

“Will we, will we all sleep on the bus?”

“Not all the time. We get hotel rooms in the cities that we’re in, but if we’re on the road, we have enough space in the bunks.”

“And you’re sure that this is what you want?”

“One hundred percent.” He nods.

“Well, that helps me with what I wanted to talk to you about. I was going to ask to come on tour with you.” I smile.

“What about work?”

“Covered. I can do the majority from my laptop, and I hired someone to be the day-to-day person on-site.”

“What if I would have said that you couldn’t come?”

“Then we would have had to have a lot of phone sex.” I grin.


Two YearsLater

When I lay in bed at night. I close my eyes and it’s you I see.

You hold my hand and my heart, and you make me believe.

In love. True love. Yeah. In love. True love.

My life changed when you walked in. And I couldn’t catch my breath.

I believe that you’re the one. The woman who will make my dreams come true.

In love. I’m so in love with you.

In love. True love. Yeah. Yeah. It’s you.

I didn’t believe that I could find happiness.