“Negative. I’m using you for your bedroom skills.” I laugh.



I swirl the amber liquid in my glass before bringing it to my lips. I breathe in through my nose and exhale through my mouth as I relax into the leather chair in front of the fireplace.

The Whispering Oaks Society is practically empty, aside from staff. A few other members are here, but not any of the guys that I regularly associate with. I keep to the same group of men that are members here and prefer to not open my group up any more than it is.

I stand up and place my drink on the bar top, signaling for a refill.

“Well, Mr. Rockstar, didn’t think that I would see you here?” a voice says from behind. I turn and see Miller Davenport as he steps beside me.

Drinks are placed in front of us, and I return to the chair I was previously sitting in. Miller follows suit.

“Why wouldn’t I be here?” I ask.

“I’ve been seeing a lot of you in the press lately. First you and some girl, then another girl, and then you’re back with the first girl.”

“Well, the first woman is my girlfriend. The other was non-important.”

“Your girlfriend is pretty.”

“Thank you.”

“How did you guys meet?” he asks.

“It was an accident. A good one, though.”

“Like a car accident?”

I laugh and shake my head, then proceed to tell him our kismet story.

“What are you guys talking about over here like high school girls?” the good doctor sits down across from me.

“Oh, man. I’m just giving Knight over here a hard time. He’s got a new girlfriend, and he’s all in love. He’s over here gushing about how they met with the stupidest smile on his face.”

“I am not,” I say.

“Bullshit. Look at that shit-eatin’ grin,” Miller points.

I place my face in my hands and lean my head up to the ceiling.

“I think we should have a double date,” Miller says.

“With you two? No, thank you.” I joke.

“No. My girl, Denise, and myself.”

“You want to go on a date with me?” I tease.

“Motherfucker. A double date, that means you and your girl and me with mine.”

“What am I, chopped liver?” Ben holds up his hands.

“You have a girlfriend that we don’t know about?” Miller asks.

“Well no. But I’m pretty sure I can find one for a night.”