“And Jordyn, I hate to ask this, but how do you feel about Asher being in the recent news?”
“It’s par for the course. It’s what happens when you are in the public eye. A simple conversation can be morphed by the public into something that it wasn’t.”
“And you are confident that was only what it was?” Jenny asks.
“Absolutely. Asher and I are strong. We have something that rumors can’t touch and that’s not going anywhere, anytime soon.”
“That’s great to hear. And Asher, how do you feel about everything in the news?” Jenny asks.
“Honestly, it’s annoying. But having these kinds of things happen early in a relationship just deepened our relationship.” He looks at me and smiles. “I fall harder for her more and more, every day.”
“Thank you for that, Asher, and it was a pleasure meeting you, Jordyn.” Jenny smiles and turns to her cameraman behind her. That I wasn’t aware of being there. She lowers her microphone as Asher leans across and hugs her.
“I’m sorry. I had to ask those questions. But you both gave the perfect responses.” She apologizes.
“I knew you would do us justice. Thank you for being graceful about it.” Asher says.
“Thank you for calling me and letting me know you guys would be here. I hope that quells any bad press. But honestly, just let that shit roll off your shoulders and keep being you.” Jenny says, then looks at me. “You’ve got yourself a genuine guy here. I’m happy to see him so… happy. And I hope to see more of you, Jordyn.”
“Thank you. And thanks for talking to us.”
“Hey, I do what I gotta do for friends.”
Asher takes my hand and pulls me away from the reporters. We take a few more photos, then head inside.
“So, you planned that with Jenny?” I lean in and ask as we take our seats.
“Jenny owed me a favor. She’s good people, I trust her, and know that she’ll turn everything around that’s going on in the news about us.”
“I’m glad you have people like that in your corner.”
“They’re in your corner now, too.”
Asher pulls my chair so that it’s directly beside his and kisses my cheek as he pulls me against him.
“Hey! Look who it is!” Mikey, Tate, and Davey take seats behind us.
We both turn and look at them and greet them.
“Looks like you two are getting cozy.” Mikey wiggles his eyebrows.
“Where’s the ladies?” Asher asks.
“They didn’t want to come. They wanted a quiet night.”
“How is acoustic not quiet?” Tate says.
“Exactly.” Mikey chimes in.
“And Mikey is looking to hang out later with Addison, if you know what I mean,” Davey adds, with Mikey cutting a look to him to silence him.
The lights go down in the venue and rise on the stage. Murphy’s Lawless is sitting in a row on stage on barstools with microphone stands in front of each of them.
“Good evening, you lavish folks of Empire Bay and beyond. We’re Murphy’s Lawless and we’re going to entertain you tonight.” Addison, a beautiful blonde with red lipstick, speaks into the microphone with her melodic voice.