“Oh, she cooks! What’s for dinner?” someone asks.
“Something absolutely delicious. Bye, guys.” Asher closes the laptop, stands up and I see his pants are undone and his cock is bared to me. “Now, show me up close and personal what I’m eating for dinner.”
Even though Jordyn was busy at home with work, tonight was the first night that we’d been apart.
I miss her.
Even though I just saw her a few hours ago as she dropped me off at the airport, I miss her already.
I miss her?
Who the fuck am I?
Okay, okay. I’ve become pussy whipped, and I’m not afraid to admit it.
After getting into my hotel, I receive a text from Davey and meet up with the rest of the guys at a bar down the street. I look around the section of the bar that is roped off for us and note that everyone with us is drunk.
I shake my head and see Davey and Tate off the side and approach.
“Where’s the girls?” I ask Tate.
“They stayed back. No need to drag them around with us while we go back and forth. It’s not like we’re gonna be here long. How’s it going with the dating app Pizza Chick?”
“It’s good. Real good.” I grin.
“Enough talking about chicks, let’s do shots!” Davey shouts and turns toward the bar area.
Moments later, Davey returns with a serving tray full of shots.
Mikey comes over and drapes his arms around my shoulders, he violently kisses my cheek and his glassy eyes look at me, “our fearless leader. When did you get here, you magnificent human being?” he slurs.
“Just walked in, my man.”
“Yeah, you did. We’re partying. I met a girl. She likes pickles.” He says mindlessly.
“Pickles?” I look at him in confusion.
“Did you know pickles are just terminated cucumbers?”
“Terminated cucumbers?”
“Yeah, you put them in a secret sauce, specially made for terminated cucumbers, and viola. You get pickles.”
“Termination. Yeah.”
“No, fermentation.” I correct him.
“Terminator.” He looks at my lips.
“Ter-men-ta-tion. Terminator. Pickles.” He grins.