“Can you?” she breathes, our lips an inch apart.

“Kiss you?” I ask, and when she smiles, I lean in and cup her jaw as our mouths fuse.

We stand in her hallway for moments, kissing like teenagers, until we’re both out of breath and we pull apart.

“Wow,” she says breathlessly.

“Yeah, wow is right.” I clear my throat and adjust myself. “What do you do for fun around here?” I ask.

“Around here? Well, we’re a small town. There’s not much to do. We have a lake, we have the springs, we have a handful of restaurants and a drive-in.”

“A drive-in?” I look at her curiously.

“Yeah, there're four screens. Do you want to go to the movies with me, Asher Knight?”

“I’ve never been to the drive-in.”

“Well, then, Mr. Knight, will you do me the honors of taking you to your first drive-in movie?”

“Can we do what they do in the drive-ins?”

“And what would that be?” she tilts her head and asks.

“Will you make out with me in the car's backseat at the drive-ins?”

“You can count on it.”



We took his Jeep and as soon as we got to the drive-in, Asher insisted we jumped into the backseat, to as he put it;get the full effect of the experience.Which he also alluded to the windows in the back being tinted and it would allow for some privacy for the two of them, and for him to be unseen.

As much as I hoped it was for the make-out session we were destined to have, it was for anonymity as well. We stopped at 7-11 on the way here, to avoid high prices at the snack bar, and settled beside one another.

“Tell me about yourself,” he asks.

“Well, what do you want to know?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“Oh, okay. We’re going basics. You’re going to think it’s boring.”

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I like the color gray.”


“It’s not an intimidating color. For instance, red is bright and can be thought of as a danger. Or yellow, well with yellow, we think cautious. But with Gray, sure, it’s dull, but it’s a safe color.I like safety. And it’s neutral. Something that can be relaxing, and in this wild world, relaxing is pretty awesome.”

“That’s the most interesting thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Okay, now you?” I prod.

“I like green. Um, because it’s fresh. I’m afraid that I don’t have much of any other reasons besides that.”

We laugh and settle into a back and forth of asking questions while we get to know one another until the movie starts and we scoot closer to one another with my head resting on his shoulder and my hand on his thigh.