“Oh, okay. Well, looks like I should get inside then.”

“You’ll notice that we have two extra hands today. Pete got sick, and I needed to make sure we had someone and enough coverage.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be home for the next few days, so I’ll make sure everything looks good.”

“Thanks love. And hope to see you later, Asher.”

“Later Tom.”

I look at the windows and can barely make out silhouettes inside. I reach for the door, but Asher stops me.

“Shit.” He says under his breath.


“Cameras.” He points to the street.

I crane my neck and see at least a dozen photogs leaning against cars on the street.

“Oh. Well, this is part of dating you, right?” I push my shoulders back and say with a smile.

“Let me get the door for you.” Asher opens the door and I watch as he rounds the back and comes to my door. I turn and note that the photographers have also seen this and start motioning to one another, pulling the camera up to their eyes and turning their lenses to capture our every move.

Asher opens the door and I place my hand in his. We thread fingers and begin walking to the front door.

“Dip me,” I tell him.

“What?” he looks at me with confusion.

“Dip me. Let’s give them a good photo.”

“You don’t have to do that. Let’s just walk inside. We really don’t need to give them a show every time they’re around.”

“I know that. Just dip me, okay?”

“You’re crazy, you know that, right?”

We stop in front, and I look up. We’re positioned perfectly in front of the sign.

“Okay, now, dip me and kiss me.”

He does as I ask, lingering with the kiss, then pulls me up. We’re laughing, and just before we walk inside, I turn and wave.

Everyone inside is silent as the door shuts behind us. Heads are turned, eyes are wide, and mouths are agape.

I didn’t think about what we would do as soon as we got inside.

“Let’s head to the back,” I tell him.

“No. I’ll walk around. It’s the least I can do. They’re here because of us.”

“Asher, they’re here because of you.”

“Yeah, but you are a part of me now, so they’re here because of us.”

I shake my head, and we head to the front. There’s an open seat at the end of the bar and Asher takes a seat. He turns to the woman and her child beside him and smiles. They exchange some words and I turn to go about my business.

I check in on the kitchen and some of the wait staff. I introduce myself to the two new employees, then head back out front. I instruct our counter staff to take Asher’s order, and to treat him like anyone else, letting him know that there will be no charge. I grab the front register’s binder and head to the back office.