“Is that so bad?”


“Is it acting? A lie?” he steps into me, places his hands on my hips, and nuzzles his nose into my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

“Absolutely not.”

“That’s my girl.” His hands move to my cheek, and his thumb caresses my skin. He leans in and our lips brush gently. “Ah man, as much as I want to ravage you right now, we’ve got a schedule. The show starts in an hour.”

I lean my head back and groan. I reluctantly step away from him and open the box on the bed. After getting dressed, I sat and watched Asher do the same with longing as he took his time getting dressed.

I’m standing in the mirror fixing my ponytail when Asher stands beside me. We match. He’s wearing grey jean pants and I’m wearing black with holes at the knees. I’m wearing a red tank top with lace at the hem and along the back, with Asher wearing a black t-shirt with a red pocket.

“I feel like I called you before I came over and asked you what you were wearing.” I grin as he looks at our reflection and returns the smile.

“It doesn’t look too tacky, too matchy-matchy?”

“Matchy-matchy? How old are you ten?” I joke.

“It’s something that Bianca always says. Sometimes we like to go out on stage wearing the same thing. So, do you think we look okay?”

“I think we look good,” I assure him.

“Good. Ready?” he throws his arm over my shoulders.

“As ready as ever.”

We climb into his car in the garage and head back toward the heart of the city.

“Prepare me. Are we going to be bombarded by cameras?” I ask.

“Quite possibly. I was told that there’s going to be a lot of big names at the show. They will have a red carpet, and if the band’s publicist did her job right, there will be a crowd.”

“What kind of show are we going to?”

“It’s an acoustic private show. Invite only for Murphy’s Lawless.”

I swing my head and look at him with my mouth wide open.

“Murphy’s Lawless? You’re friends with them? We’re seeing them tonight?”

He grins and stares at the road straight ahead. “They opened for us a few years ago, when they were just starting. Addison, the frontwoman, had a fling with Mikey during that time period. The guys will most likely be there too tonight. Okay, we’re here. Thealley will have the valet, stay in the car and wait for me, and then we’ll walk around the building together.”

“Got it.” I nodded as he maneuvered the Jeep into the alleyway.

It all happens in a blur. Hand-in-hand, we walk to the front of the building and begin walking on the red carpet. Lights flash and questions are thrown left and right. I smile as Asher guides me to look in either direction. A few reporters have captured Asher’s attention, and we step forward to answer their questions.

“Asher. What do you have to say about the photos that surfaced earlier this week?” a reporter asks.

“I have nothing to say. The media blew a conversation out of control.”

“And the woman that you were with?”

“She was just a friend of the bands.”

“Asher, Asher. Who do we have here? You haven’t officially introduced her yet.”

“Hey, Jenny. This is my girlfriend, Jordyn. Jordyn, this is Jenny with Entertainment News Nightly.” Asher introduces me and I shake her hand with a smile.