How long has Ryan been gone? I take another shot.

I’m staring down at the last shot as Ryan slides into his seat across from me.

“Jesus woman. That’s a lot of booze that you’re drinking tonight.”

“It just tastes so delicious.” I take the last shot. “I can’t even taste this. So, it’s got to taste delicious.”

“Proof that you’ve maybe had enough.”

“Nah, there’s no such thing as too much.” I shake my finger at him.

“Listen, I’m going to get you water and then, we’re going to go home.”

Ryan leaves the table and is back with a glass and pushes it in front of me.

“Oh, that’s a big cup of vodka.”

“Exactly, that’s all vodka. That’s gonna fuck you up. Chug it.”

“I couldn’t possibly.” I shake my head.

“I bet you that you can. In fact, I double dog dare you.”

“You’re double dog daring me? Oh, man. You know I’ve got to do this now. I’m going to be so fucked up after this. You may need to pump my stomach.”

“Well, what are you waiting for?” he eggs me on.

I wrap both my hands around the glass, look up at him, and pull the glass to my mouth. I open my throat and I guzzle down the vodka.

“Alright, drunkie, it’s time.”

He stands up and rounds the table holds out his hand, and pulls me up. I fall into him.

“That’s the most vodka that I think I’ve ever drank in my entire life.” I slur.



My publicist, my agent, and everyone in my circle have been blowing up my phone since arriving back in Empire Bay. Upon landing, notifications lit up my cell phone, along with my bandmates. Once I realized what happened, I put out a brief statement with the help of my PR team and spent the rest of the time trying to get in contact with Jordyn.

Except she wasn’t answering her phone and wasn’t replying to any of my many attempts. After a few hours of trying, I finally got a call from her, except it was her friend Ryan.

He grilled me. It was a little scary, but I remained calm and answered all his questions. After a good ten minutes of tongue lashings from him, he finally told me when and where to go.

I drive like a bat out of hell from Empire Bay to Fairhaven. I pull my car into the driveway and practically run to the front door. Before I could knock, the door swung open and Ryan waved me in with his finger to his lips.

“She’s delicate. She’s extremely drunk. And she’s passed out on the couch.” Ryan says leading me into the kitchen.

My hip rests against the counter and Ryan is on the other side of the counter, putting space between us with a look on his face that is desperate.

“What the fuck do you think you were doing? You were gone for one night!” Ryan whisper-shouts at me.

“I know. I know. It looks bad. But I swear, nothing happened.”

“And that kiss?”

“Surprised the shit out of me, too. It must have been for shock value, something to post online or something. But there was never a kiss that was reciprocated, just that one in the press photo.”