A neat row of fold out chairs formed an aisle. Cora, Meg, Summer, and Ma all smiled in unison, holding a whole new generation of kids born under our patch in their arms.
“Jesus.” Hannah's knees locked up as soon as we stepped through, taking in the scene.
Bingo sat up next to us, and brushed her legs, happily wagging his tail. I reached down and stroked the big wolfhound's head, sharing a look even a dog could understand.
“What'd I tell you, darlin'?” I whispered in her ear. “Just keep walking. We ain't home yet.”
Only had about fifteen steps to go to get to the altar. By then, she was turning red, hot tears raining down her cheeks when she realized the meanest version ofHere Comes the Brideanybody ever heard was tearing out those speakers.
“But...we're already married!” she sputtered. Standing across from her, I grabbed both her hands in mine. She looked at the ring on her finger in confusion.
“It's called renewing vows, darlin'. Also gives me a chance to do things right, the way they should've gonedown the first time, and have ourselves the reception we missed.”
I let her cry it out, squeezing her sweet fingers in mine, while the music faded behind us. Preacher man stepped up to the podium, looking a lot neater than he had that first night I brought her in to make it all official.
Little Hank cried out in the chairs. His grandma hugged him tight, happier than I ever saw her.
We weren't the only ones up here with plenty of reason to smile. Lord willing, I'd give my Ma a few more grins before the evening was through.
“Let's go,” I told preacher man. “I've got my part ready.”
“Friends, family, and brothers of the Deadly Pistols MC. Today we stand here to honor a husband and wife who hold the meaning of sacrifice heavy on their hearts...”
His spiel went on for a couple minutes. I let his flowery speech wash over me, too busy staring my woman in the face to care about poetry.
Hannah cried softly the whole way through. I held her hand, watching each tear roll down her cheeks, sweeping up my free hand each time to catch them, kiss them away.
Today, I did tender. Tonight, I'd do rough.
I'd do anything and everything that set her heart on fire, and I let the whole damned world know who did the kindling.
“...and if I may, I'd like to invite each person to say a few words. Dust, you have something you'd like to read?” Preacher man looked at me, genuine respect glowing in his eyes.
“It's all up here,” I said, tapping my temple with two fingers. “Been memorizing this all week, so here goes...”
Hannah's fingers tightened on mine. Thought she'd rip my hand off before I finished, so overwhelmed with emotion. Off to the sides, all my brothers were smiling, elbowing each other like they couldn't believe I was pulling out my heart, showing it to everyone.
Wasn't doing this for them, much as I respected their shit-eating grins.
The only one who counted was looking back at me, waiting, and I wasn't holding her up any longer.
“Darlin', you're standing there, beautiful as the day we met, wearing my ring and my ink. Helluva lot happened these past few months. I gave you a second chance at life. You gave me a son. Love that boy with all my heart.” I paused, watching Ma tear up out the corner of my eye, hugging Hank closer to her chest. “It's hard to offer much after we've given each other the moon, so I'm gonna make a pledge. Hannah, I'm not done yet. I'm gonna keep it coming. Gonna keep that smile on your face 'til we're both so old we barely remember what smiling's all about. Gonna keep you in my bed, on my bike, and in my heart. Gonna pull you close, hold you every night, just like I'm about to do now, and wash every tear off your cheek 'til there's nothing but room for that beautiful fuckin' smile.”
I stepped up, bringing her into my arms, tugging her hand close to my heart while I put my lips against her cheeks, and then on her mouth. Pure, hot emotion flooded my tongue. Awesome and irresistible.
When I broke the kiss, I had to hold on tighter because her knees were shaking. Behind us, a couple of the old ladies sniffled, either remembering their own weddings, or wondering when their boys would do something similar for them.
“I ain't much for speeches,” I said, staring deep into her ocean blue eyes. “So I'm gonna keep it brief, with just one more thing everybody standing here with us oughta hear. I love you, darlin'. Simple as that sounds, it ain't even close. It's the biggest, most bewildering, goddamned beautiful statement I've ever made. And I'll keep making it 'til the end of my days. Love you, baby girl, and you'll remember how much every time I move mountains to taste your lips. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. Every day I need to just so you remember – you'remine.”
I wasn't looking for a standing ovation. Got one anyway, a chorus of thundering claps and wild whoops ringing out around us while we locked lips.
Fuck, she tasted sweeter than before. Sweeter than ever.
I'd told preacher man several days ago not to put her on the spot. She wouldn't be saying much after the L-bomb I dropped on her heart, and I didn't want her to be embarrassed.
Still, the formal bastard prodded her. He laid his hands gently on our shoulders, easing our mouths away from each other, gently whispering in her ear.
“Hannah, if there's anything you'd like to say...”