She wasn’t sure how to define “bad.”
It’s a lot of people, and they all want pictures and autographs.
Does he need immediate help? Cops? Is he being overrun?
No. But it’s just a lot of people.
I’ll be there in two minutes.
Two minutes? He hadn’t been joking when he said he was nearby. Sure enough, not five minutes later, Tony was there in the middle of the crowd directing traffic. He had two security guards and two store managers with him.
“Okay, people. Listen up! Colton has no problem taking pictures or signing whatever you want, but we’re going to have to do this in an orderly fashion. If we can’t get everything under control, then he’s going to have to leave.”
The security guards and managers helped Tony set up a sort of queue that wrapped around the whole winter sports section of the store. A couple of people didn’t want to leave Colton’s side even though they’d already had their selfie and autograph, so a security guard had to step in. Colton could’ve easily just let security handleit, but he gave the two young men backslapping hugs and told them he appreciated their enthusiasm.
“Thanks for texting me.” Tony came over to stand near Ella where she was in the back. “Colton doesn’t usually do big stores, and even when he does, it doesn’t usually get this crazy without some sort of social media tip-off.”
“I’m just glad you were nearby. Nobody seemed to know exactly how to handle this.”
Tony chuckled. “It’s both their wet dreams and their worst nightmare.” He pointed to where some employees were stacking up merchandise that had been associated with Colton throughout the years—skateboards, snowboards, and some T-shirts and hoodies. Customers were immediately grabbing them, wanting to be able to get something autographed while Colton was there. The store was going to make a killing.
Colton took it all in stride. He was charming, talking with people, smiling and laughing. Taking the photos they wanted. He did it over and over, his smile never faltering. He seemed to be enjoying it, which didn’t surprise her.
“Does this happen a lot?”
Tony shook his head with a shrug. “Honestly, it used to happen more. His popularity has been waning in the past few weeks.”
She hated the thought of that. “Do you know why?”
“The public can be very fickle.”
She watched as Colton got down on one knee so he would be eye to eye with a little girl holding a skateboard nearly as tall as she was. Whatever he said made her squeal with delight then drop the skateboard so she could hug him.
“He’s such a natural,” Ella whispered.
“Yeah, he really thrives in situations like this. Loves to know he’s influencing a new generation of adventurers. I hate that he can’t see he’s losing that.”
“How is he losing it?”
“Out of sight, out of mind, you know? He’s taking a lot of time out of the public eye.”
“Maybe he needed a break.”
Tony shrugged while still watching over what was happening. “Sure. He deserves a break whenever he wants one, and I totally support him taking one. Encouraged it after the accident, even.”
“But…” There was very definitely a but in Tony’s sentence.
“But the truth is, Colton Harrison is abrand. One that’s been carefully cultivated for years. And lately, he’s been making questionable choices that don’t necessarily align with his brand. The people who look up to him have certain expectations. His choices are hurting his image and will eventually end his livelihood if he’s not careful.”
“Like what choices?”
“Like choosing to…” Tony faded off then glanced over at her. “You know what, never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything. Colton will be fine. He always is. I’m going to go make sure he’s okay. Again, thanks for contacting me.”
She watched him go grab a bottle of water and hand it to Colton, who accepted it with a grateful smile. Tony obviously cared about his boss and knew how to take care of him. Ella should’ve thought of the fact that Colton might need water, given all the talking and smiling he was doing, but it hadn’t crossed her mind.
Colton looked up and gave her a little wave as he finished his water bottle, mouthingI’m sorry.
She smiled and waved back.No problem.