Page 83 of Hero's Prize

“I think I’m going to keep coming with you on these supply trips until I can talk you into the sprinkles.” He pulled away and started pushing the cart toward the cashier.

Ella just stood there staring at him as he walked away. What did that mean? She had no idea.

He glanced at her over his shoulder and gave her a wink and a sexy grin. “You’re thinking of rainbow sprinkle recipes, aren’t you?”

She was more thinking that there was no way she was getting out of this with her heart not broken into thousands of pieces.

“Do you mind if we stop at the sporting goods store?” Ella asked a couple hours later when all the errand-running for the shop was over. They’d stopped and had a great lunch at one of her favorite little bistros.

He’d told her about Marshall and his concerns that he had let Ashley down by not being able to stop her from falling into the water. She’d been quick to assure Colton that Ashley already had a huge crush on the boy, and that had only grown with his heroic effort. Ella had been relieved to hear that Colton had pretty much told Marshall the same thing.

Talking about Ashley and Marshall had been a safe topic. Hell, even talking about the stalker had been a safe topic.

The only topic they’d avoided had been talking about them. No man ever wanted to have thewhere is this relationship going?talk. Colton Harrison was no different.

“You’re askingmeif I want to go to a sporting goods store?” His eyebrows shot all the way up. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

She laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure you can keep yourself entertained.”

“That depends. Do you think they have rainbow sprinkles there?”

He reached over and grabbed her hand on the steering wheel and pulled it over into his lap. And just like that, she was back to thinking that maybe there was something reallyrealbetween them. “What are you looking for at the store?”

“I ruined my hiking boots in the river incident.”

He grimaced. “Trying to get me out of the water.”

“I promise they were on their last legs anyway. I think I’ve had them since high school.”

“I still insist on you letting me replace them.”

She pulled into a parking space. “You really don’t have to do that.”

She turned to open the door, but he wouldn’t let go of her hand.

“I want to.” He smiled. “And that way, I can make sure you get the best pair possible.”

As if there was any way for her to resist him when he was smiling so charmingly and had run errands with her all afternoon. “Fine. I’ll rely on your expertise.”

“That’s my girl.”

She couldn’t even think about what that phrase did to her insides.

They got out of her car, and he once again grabbed her hand as they walked toward the entrance.

“Most of the time, I try to shop at mom-and-pop-type places. But I have to admit I love this chain. I mean, come on, they have a Ferris wheel inside.” He was grinning like a little boy.

They went inside and quickly found the women’s shoe department, and he dragged her over to the wall displaying all sorts of brands and fashions of hiking boots.

“You want to make sure you have Gore-Tex waterproofing, no matter what style you decide to go with. I prefer over-the-ankle boots for wilderness like what we have around Oak Creek.”


“I’d like to say it’s because of support and durability, but actually, it’s more because I’d like to think if I stepped on a snake, I’d have something durable between its fangs and me.”

“Not a fan of snakes?”

“Let’s just say me and Indiana Jones have a lot in common.”