Page 11 of Hero's Prize

He nodded. “Very much so. I hope to try more soon.”

Damn it, there it was again. That hint of flirtation. “High praise, indeed.”

He tilted his head to the side. “You headed out to the dance floor now?”

She ignored how his voice affected her. No need to announce that she sometimes listened to his audio clips at night while she was lying in bed just so she could hear his voice.

Patheticity. Definitely needed to be a word.

“No, I think I’m going to head up to my hotel suite. It’s been along week.” She didn’t want to sound like she was complaining. “A good week, but a long one.”

Although she didn’t really want to leave. Not with Colton being close by and them having a sort ofmomentwhere he was flirting with her, at least in her mind.

How often had she imagined this? She wanted to stay here and talk to him, to enjoy being close enough to smell the subtle scent of his cologne and appreciate how good he looked in a suit.

Colton Harrison wasn’t spotted in a suit very often. Any number of survival or adventure outfits? Yes. Fitted T-shirts that showed off his well-developed chest and shoulders? Absolutely. But she didn’t think she’d ever seen him in a suit.

It did not disappoint. Perfectly fitted but not snug, it spoke to another, more sophisticated, side of Colton. A very appealing side. As if all sides of him weren’t appealing.

But staying here talking to Colton wasn’t going to do anything but lead to more stares and whispers. It was only Becky and Lilah watching them now, but it wouldn’t stay that way.

Plus, he was just being friendly. Ella knew better than to let her imagination run away with it.

“It’s good to see you, Colton.” She forced the words out when he didn’t say anything. “I hope you’re doing well. Good luck with the stunt tomorrow. I’ll see you next time you’re in Oak Creek.”

“Thank you.” He picked up a plate with a miniature cupcake, studying it intensely. “Can I ask you something before you go?”

The way he was examining the baked good, she prepped herself for an ingredient question. Did he have a food allergy she didn’t know about? “Sure.”

His eyes left the cupcake and met hers, and her breath hitched as his face morphed into a slow, sexy grin.

“I’m wondering if you’d like any company up in your hotel suite?”



“I’m wondering if you’d like any company up in your hotel suite?”

Thirty minutes later, Ella stood in her room, staring at herself in the mirror, wearing the resort bathrobe, Colton’s words playing on repeat in her mind.

What the actual heck was she doing?

She had already tried on the only three outfits she’d brought with her and discarded them all as useless.

After all, she’d only planned to be here in the Teton mountains for thirty-six hours. She’d thought jeans and a sweatshirt for working earlier to get the desserts set up, her dress for the reception itself, and then some casual clothes for hanging out tomorrow while watching Colton’s stunt would be plenty.

But she’d brought absolutely nothing that would make her more confident about going to Colton Harrison’s hotel suite. Of course, she could’ve brought the entire contents of her closet at home and probably would still be here in front of this mirror in the robe.

Why had she agreed to go see him?

She’d been caught off guard by his oh-so-casual request for company. Had just stood there and stared at him—waiting for the punch line—until things had gotten pretty awkward.

“No worries. If you don’t want company, it’s no problem.” He’d given her a friendly nod then turned to walk away.

There hadn’t been a punch line. The request for company had been a genuine offer. It had been an offer she’d dreamed about for years, and instead of taking him up on it, she’d been standing there like an idiot, not saying anything.

She’d reached out and grabbed his arm. “No. I mean, yes, I’d like company.”