Rick held up a sticky note. “This saysCH guaranteed sightings. Post at 2:15.”
What the hell?“Where did you get that?”
“It was right here, stuck on the edge of the computer monitor.”
“OnElla’scomputer?” Colton shook his head. That didn’t make any sense.
Rick shrugged. “I guess so. I mean, this is her computer, right?”
“Why would Ella have a note about that site?” Tony looked as confused as Colton felt.
“I have no idea?—”
He was interrupted by the door bursting open and Caroline, one of Ella’s young shop workers, rushing in. She stopped short when she saw them.
“Shoot! Ella told me you guys would be in here, but I forgot. I’m so sorry. I just need the checkbook for…” She shuffled to a halt. “Oh my gosh, you’re Colton Harrison.”
Colton forced a smile on his face, even though right now, all he could think about was that sticky note. “Guilty as charged.”
“Oh my gosh, does Ella know you’re using her office? I’m so stupid, of course she does. She’s the one who told me you guys would be in here. Oh my gosh. Ella is yourbiggestfan.”
“She and I have known each other for a long time.”
“I mean, I’m a fan too but not nearly as big as she is,” Caroline continued without even really listening to what Colton had said. “Really, I guess I became more of a fan after her showing me that digital scrapbook. But, oh my gosh, I can’t believe you are here in her office.”
“A digital scrapbook?”
If possible, Caroline’s eyes got even wider. “Oh yeah. That thing is amazing. Hang on, let me show you.”
She rushed over to the computer, shooing Rick out of the way. He moved, just as overwhelmed by the little whirlwind as Tony and Colton were.
Caroline plopped down in the chair that Rick had just vacated. “Password…Colton.” She grinned at him over her shoulder, while the unease in Colton’s belly grew stronger.
Caroline’s fingers flew along the keyboard, and a few moments later, Colton’s dread was even worse.
“See! She’s basically been collecting every electronic clipping about you she could find for years. Pretty amazing, hmm?” She flipped through page after digital page of articles and clippings about Colton’s stunts and his life. Hundreds of images… Maybe thousands. All sorts of articles.
“Holy shit,” Tony whispered.
Caroline, very belatedly, became aware of the emotional temperature of the room. “Oh my gosh, should I not have shown you that?”
Colton mustered a smile. “No, it’s fine. It’s…flattering.”
The relief on the girl’s face would’ve been comical if Colton hadn’t been about to freak out.
“Okay. Good. I better get back to work. I just wanted you toknow how much Ella loves your career.” She grabbed the checkbook and breezed out the door as quickly as she had breezed in.
The room sat silent for a long moment.
“Your girlfriend leaked your outing yesterday,” Rick whispered. “I mean, between that sticky note and that creepy-as-fuck scrapbook? Hell, are we sure she’s not the stalker?”
“She’s not the stalker. And we don’t know it was her who leaked the outing.” Colton rubbed the back of his neck.
Rick shook his head. “Fine, she’s probably not the stalker, I’ll give you that. But damn, Colton, things definitely point to her having leaked your whereabouts yesterday.”
Colton had to agree. “I’m not believing anything until I talk to Ella. And even if it was her, I’m not going to blow it out of proportion.”
Rick rolled his eyes. “Whatever. This fucking town has you blind to everything.”