Still alive was better than nothing, but Ella wanted so much more than that.
They had to almost fight their way through the crowd to get to the door. Security was already trying to get people to disperse, but none of them wanted to go.
The outpouring of support was touching, but at the same time, these people were stopping Ella from getting to Colton. Maybe it was talking about last night a little with the girls, but she needed to see him more than ever. Needed to know for herself that he was going to be all right.
By the time they made it to the door, local police had arrived. Obviously, the hospital was feeling overwhelmed and had called them. Immediately, they started making people leave.
“Listen up, people!” one of the police officers yelled from the front of the hospital entrance. “If you are not here for medical attention or are not on the hospital visitor approval list due to a loved one being in this hospital, then you need to leave now.”
The crowd began grumbling. Nobody wanted to leave. A man Ella didn’t recognize came out from the inside of the hospital and spoke to the police officer. The officer was definitely interested in whatever the man was saying. A few seconds later, the man began to speak.
“Guys, I’m Tony Salaun, part of Colton’s support team. I want to announce that Colton is alive, breathing on his own, and does not seem to have any life-threatening injuries from the avalanche.”
Tony’s words eased some of the tightness in Ella’s chest, but she still needed to see Colton for herself before she would really accept he was okay. Beforeshewould be okay.
“The best thing you can do to help Colton right now is to leave the hospital premises so that the medical staff can work to the bestof their abilities without having to worry about an unruly crowd on their hands,” Tony continued. “I will personally post updates as they are available on Colton’s website. And if updates aren’t available, I will still touch base with you once an hour until we all make it through this crisis.”
“That’s Colton’s PR manager,” Becky whispered.
“He’s fucking good,” Lilah said.
Lilah was right. The crowd was already relaxing a little. They truly just wanted Colton to be okay, and knowing that someone was going to provide them with information was making them more willing to leave.
“You heard the man, people,” the police officer said. “You’ll get your updates, but right now, you need to leave.”
Tony continued to encourage them to go, walking into the crowd to answer individual questions as they began to disperse. He was definitely good at his job. This is exactly what was needed right now.
Now that the way was clearer, they were able to get all the way up to the door. Bear met them.
“He’s awake. I haven’t seen him. They are keeping everybody in the waiting room, but his dad came out and said he was awake and talking some.”
Relief nearly made Ella’s knees weak. Colton wasawake.
“Full functionality of his body?” Lilah asked.
“As far as I know, yes. At least as much as can be tested at this point. It looks like maybe our boy is going to get out of this scot-free.” Bear pulled open the front door, and they walked inside.
Every word he said made Ella feel better, but she still wanted to see Colton for herself. Just for a second. No need for awkward conversations.
Two hospital guards stopped them just inside the door.
“Nobody is allowed in unless you’re on the list,” the first one said.
Bear rolled his eyes. “Dude, you just saw me come from the main waiting room.”
The guard pointed at Ella, Becky, and Lilah. “I’m talking about them.”
“We’re on the list,” Lilah said. She gave him her name, and he nodded. Becky gave hers, and he gave another nod.
“Ella O’Conner.”
The guard looked through his tablet then obviously started looking through the list again. “You’re not on here.”
“She’s with us,” Bear said. “Trust me, if she was left off the list, it was in error.”
Both guards shook their heads.
“The command has come down from God himself, basically. Nobody is allowed inside this hospital unless they are here for medical care or are on the visitation list,” the first one said. “I’m sorry, but we have to hold fast on this.”