“So, I can put you down for a ticket?” Tia asks.

Did she really come in here just to taunt me? “I didn’t say that.”

“Don’t you think it would be a stronger message to send to everyone? That you’re so hunky-dory you can attend the ten-year reunion flying solo when so many of us are coupled up?” Tia says with a sly grin, not so subtly showing off the rock on her left-hand ring finger.

My eyes flick to Kayla’s. She purses her lips, sending me an apology telepathically. I would go if Kayla was going. She even asked me if I wanted to go months ago, and when I told her no, she decided to go to an independent booksellers conference this weekend instead. “I really don’t have anyone I need to see, Tia,” I answer. “Especially when you all stop by the drugstore so often.”

Tia scrunches her nose and laughs. “Okay, well, I’ll tell the committee that you won’t be attending.” She reaches across the counter and touches my bare shoulder, splaying a hand over theface of the pinup sailor girl on my bicep. “Just know, I’ve always thought you could do better than Will. And you shouldn’t feel embarrassed for trying your best.”

I bite down on my lower lip to keep from spewing profanities at her. She doesn’t know the tiniest fraction about my relationship with Will. She doesn’t know what I’ve been through. And for her to suggest thatIshould be embarrassed after everythinghedid—

“Lilyhasdone better.”

My eyes widen. So do Tia’s. We both look to Kayla for an explanation.

Tia smiles politely. “Sorry?”

Kayla’s eyes jump between me and Tia. Then, she crosses her arms over her chest. “She’s done better already.”

I want to ask what the fuck she’s talking about, but I’m not going to rat out my best friend for a cryptic lie. Still, though, I raise my eyebrows and flare my nostrils, giving her an ‘Are you crazy?’ look.

“You’ve moved on, Lily?” Tia asks. “Good for you.”

“Yes, and she’ll bring him to the reunion. They’ll be there,” Kayla says.

I force a smile at her. “I will?”

Kayla nods. Her eyes are avoiding mine, lingering on the front windows of the store. “You will.”

“Oh, yes, Lily, you have to,” Tia says. “I’d love to meet him.”

I don’t take my eyes off Kayla. “Yeah, me too.”

“You already know him, Tia,” Kayla says.

“He’s local?”

My blood is boiling. Kayla has a lot of explaining to do once Tia’s gone.

Kayla nods, her sweet smile not faltering for a moment. She gestures toward the door of the shop. “Yep. In fact, you don’t even have to wait; he’s here now.”

Dear God, what has Kayla gotten me into?

Tia turns a split second before I do, a second long enough for me to see the blood leave her cheeks.

Chapter 2


Iunclip my bike helmet and run a hand through my hair. God, I’m sweaty.

This is a bad idea. Adrenaline told me to do it, to come here and finally rip off the bandage after all these years. I wasn’t considering how sweaty I’d be, or how I might smell after my ride. I just knew I had to do it now or I’d lose my nerve.

I place my helmet on my bike handles and shake out my shoulders. The worst that can happen is she says no. That’s all. It’s not life or death. Not really.

After a fucking lifetime of wanting Lily Bolton, though, I can’t say I really believe it’s not life or death. If she says no, I think it might kill me.

I glance up at the sign for Bolton’s, the old red and white lettering with flaking paint.