“You’re my forever.”
I sigh and nuzzle my face into his chest. For all intents and purposes, the pregnancy is going well. But I’m tired. And my body aches. And there’s constant emotional upheaval in every direction. Everything is both scary and beautiful at once.
It helps I don’t have to do it alone. Not just Jackson, but my mom and dad and, of course, Kayla. Carina too is constantly checking on me. They’ll be moving here in just a couple of weeks so Jackson and Danforth can get a handle on the business before the babies arrive andeverythingchanges.
“Too bad we didn’t go to prom together, and we didn’t get a picture like this,” I say.
Jackson throws his head back in laughter, golden hair tousling angelically. “I think that’s the only upside that it took this long. No awkward prom pics.”
I look up into his eyes. His expression is so soft and loving. I still don’t fully grasp why me. But Jackson does a good job of filling in that gap for me when he can.
He kisses me softly and, when he pulls back, mutters words that bowl me over. “I want you to marry me.”
“I’ll do the whole proposal thing. I’ll do it all, but I need to tell you now. I need to know if you want it.”
“Of course, I want it,” I say, though my voice is trembling. It’s all so fast. Good fast.Greatfast.
“Before the babies come. I want it all to be official.”
I gasp or laugh; it’s kind of one and the same. “But we only have three months. I—”
“I know, but even a day more is too long. I need that forever, Lily. I need your forever.”
I’m still adding up all of his words, my forehead bent with confusion. I touch his cheek, the hairs of his beard soft and wiry in my palm. “Where is this coming from?”
“It’s always been there. You know I’ve always wanted you.”
“But to marry me, that’s—”
“We’re starting a family together, Lil.”
“Yes, but it was an accident.”
“Which is why every moment since has been on purpose.”
I nearly swallow my tongue. My eyes well with tears.
Jackson spins me in his embrace and pulls me close, cupping my face in his hands. “I want you to be my wife, Lily. Mine. You’re the mother of my children, and you’re the love of my fucking life. You’ve been my dream ever since we used to play in that stupid plastic pool in your parents’ backyard when we were kids.”
I laugh, digging my fingers into his back. My belly is pressed against him, as close as we can be. The twins are acting up. They do when he’s close. They already know him. His touch, his voice, his love. He introduces himself again and again in loving whispers. “I’m Daddy” or “It’s Daddy again” or “Hope you didn’t forget me, I’m your dad.”
Jackson touches the cardinal on my arm. “We’re mated for life. I just want everyone else to understand what that means.”
I smile. “I’ll be your wife.”
He moves in closer, about to kiss me. “You’ll be mine, Lily?”
“I already am.”
Jackson kisses me, his mouth insistent and electrifying.
My blood courses through me, my heart racing. All the excitement sends the twins fluttering. I move Jackson’s hand to the crest of my belly. “You feel? You feel yet?”