I really don’t want to like it. But I do. I wouldn’t be having to sit in meetings and look at numbers. Sure, I’m good at those things, but they don’t mean anything to me. Being out in the world, being physical, discovering and exploring and pushing yourself to the limit. Those are things I like. Always have. I see it now.Cycling across Tuscany, canoeing the Boundary Waters, cross-country ski trips . . .

With Lily. Of course. With her at my side. I can not only give her the world but show it to her. She deserves that after all those years in Seattle, cooped up and attached to a man who had no idea how to take care of her. “I have a few questions, of course,” I say, though the excitement is hard to hide from my expression.

Danforth’s eyes twinkle. “I’m ready when you are.”

We talk over our Irish coffees, my body, face, and brain growing warm from the whisky and the anticipation of what’s to come of our potential venture.

It’s not until Carina wafts over that all my worries about Lily return.

“I was wondering where you two were,” Carina says. She puts her hand on Danforth’s shoulder.

“Ah, my love, how was your afternoon? Is Lily with you?” He takes her hand and kisses it firmly.

Carina smiles lightly and looks over at me. “She’s resting upstairs.”

That doesn’t do anything for my worry. I clear my throat and push myself to stand. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to check on her.”

“Of course!” Danforth says. “You know, I could use something to eat. Why don’t we meet in the Nexus?”

The Nexus is the main restaurant of The Zenith. All the restaurants and amenities have names like this. A little poetic and absolutely meaningless.

“And if Lily’s feeling better, have her join us.”

“Of course,” I say, giving Danforth a smile. I then look to Carina to ask her some more questions about Lily, but she’s avoiding eye contact and frankly, I’d feel better to see Lily’s condition with my own eyes. So, I head upstairs.

When I get to our suite, I go right to the bedroom, expecting to see Lily bundled under the covers. However, the bed is made and she’s nowhere to be seen.

“Lil?” I call out.

There’s water running in the ensuite bathroom. Perhaps she’s taking a bath.

I go to the bathroom door and knock. “Lily? You in there?”

Nothing. Now I’m worried. What if she got in the tub and then passed out? What if she’s drowned? I’m not usually one to catastrophize, but I can’t help it. I grab the door handle. “I’m coming in!” I say urgently and start to push the door open.

However, it only opens a few inches before there’s resistance behind the door, preventing it from being opened all the way. Lily’s face pops into view. “Jackson! You’re already back! How was skiing?”

I blink at her. Her shoulders are bare and she’s wrapped in a towel. “Fine. How are you feeling? Carina told me you came upstairs to rest and—”

“Much better, I took a nap, and now I’m going to take a long bath,” Lily’s smile feels forced. She’s trying to keep me from worrying, which is an impossibility.

I glance back at the perfectly made bed. “You napped?”

“On the couch. Just walked in and collapsed. Don’t know what it is. I think the traveling really got to me or . . . I don’t know,” she rambles.

I frown. “You sure you’re feeling okay?”

Lily’s brows raise. “Yes! Better. Much.”

“Okay. Um . . . Danforth and I were going to get something to eat, but do you want me to join you instead?”

“No!” she yelps.

I almost step back from the force of her response. “Okay . . . ”

“I mean. No, you have to—you and Danforth! That’s why you’re here. Right?”

“Why are you acting weird, Lily?”