“Months?” I offer.

“A couple of months!” Lily says, throwing her hands up. “Yep. Jackson and me. A couple of months.”

Kayla beams. “You know, it was bound to happen. With Jackson looking to settle down—”

I give my sister a look.Shut up.

“And with Lily and Will breaking up.”


“Plus, you know, they’ve known each other since they were kids. Friends to lovers. Cute, right?”

My first thought is I’m going to kill her. My second thought is a question. Is this her sort of strange roundabout approval?

Tia purses her lips into a smile that looks more like a snake. “Yes. Cute.”

Other than our history, I’m not sure why she’s so embittered. Tia was already married by the time I moved back. Maybe she felt she missed her chance. Not that there was ever another chance to be had.

Lily suddenly jerks out from behind the counter toward me. “Hi, babe. Thanks for stopping by.”

“Anytime,” I say, though my voice is rough and unsure.

When Lily gets to me, she reaches for my hand.

“I’m sweaty,” I warn.

“Oh, I know,” she says, shoving herself against my side and pulling my arm around her waist. “You know, I don’t care about that.”

I feel faint.

“Anyway . . . ” Lily loops her arms around me. “Yeah, Jackson is my new boyfriend.”

Tia blinks a few times. “Then I think it only makes sense you two come to the reunion together. What a great way to show off what a happy couple you are.”

“Oh, I don’t know about—” Lily begins.

However, Kayla interrupts, loud and in charge, “They’d love to! What a great way for everyone to find out!”

“Everyone? Ha, I don’t know if we needeveryoneto—” I start.

“Nonsense!” Tia’s voice is almost a growl, and her smile is wolfish as if perhaps she’d like to tear me apart limb from limb with her teeth. Reminds me of the night I broke up with her. Thought I’d be nursing her tears and instead spent the next few months making sure my windows were locked. “You two should come. In fact, I’ll waive your ticket fees. I’m sure everyone would love to see you two together.”

I glance down at Lily. “Up to you . . . honey.”

Lily’s expression hardens for a moment. “I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it,darling.”

This is not how I wanted this to go down. Not at all. Somehow, this is worse than rejection because it’s pretend. Because I still don’t know what the truth is. Dammit, Kayla.

Well, if we’re laying it on thick. “You know, I only want to do what makes you happy.” Which is not a lie. Just something I’ve never gotten the opportunity to tell her. Ordofor her.

Lily plants her hand on my chest and squeezes herself against me. I’m suddenly very worried about my skintight cycling clothes and the blood rushing downstairs. “We’ll be there, Tia.”

I swear Tia’s eye twitches. “Great. I’ll put you down for two tickets then.” She starts toward us, heading for the door. “Can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they realize Lily Bolton has snagged Jackson Roy. Some might say when pigs fly, but . . . ” Tia grins. “See you Saturday.”

None of us speak.

Tia lays a hand on my arm, the one not holding Lily. “Good to see you, Jackson.”