Chapter 14


My pulse quickens, so fast I can hear it in my ears.

I watch Lily as she takes in my home, the one I had built for me before my return to Cider Bay a year and a half ago. Her oversized sweatshirt drapes down over her backside, nearly obscuring her sleep shorts. It’s not hard to imagine she’s not wearing anything underneath the sweatshirt which is bad news for my dick.

“It’s bigger than I imagined,” she says, glancing around at the main living area. “I bet you get amazing light during the day.”

I glance at the geometric paned windows. “Yes, it’s . . . it’s nice.”

Is that really all I can come up with? Nice?Eloquent, Roy.

“Does it get lonely? Living here by yourself?”

Of course, it gets lonely. It has five bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms. It’s designed for a family I don’t yet have. “Not too bad.”

Lily smiles over her shoulder at me. Damn her and the devilish grin. “You’re lying.”

“Is it that obvious?”

She turns and comes back to me, stopping at a distance close enough to kiss me. However, she chooses not to. My body screams in agony. “You’re a bad liar,” she says with a smile.

“Some things never change.”

Lily stands there. Her closeness is tempting in and of itself. “I want to show you something.” The intonation of her words suggests to me that she’s not actually interested in the house. It’s just a guise for . . . for something else.

Of course, I’m not going to assume that she wantsthat. She’s only just learned of my feelings. We’ve only just agreed to a trial run of a relationship. I’m not going to rush anything.

Unless she rushes first.

“Okay . . . ”

“We should go to your bedroom, though.”

Alright, now I’m assuming. “My bedroom?”

“Yeah, ever heard of it?”

I know I’m flushed. “I have heard of it. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to do something to make up for or—”

“I’ll go find it myself then,” she says and heads off down the dark hallway to the right.

I’m frozen in place for a moment, watching her as she disappears into the shadows of the house. “Wait, you’ll get lost!” I call after her, willing my feet to follow.

Lily giggles from the darkness. I see her silhouette, her hands tracing the walls. “Getting lost is part of the fun sometimes.”

Getting lost has never been fun for me. My life was founded on the idea of being lost. “Lily . . . ”

She stops in front of a door and pushes it open. She disappears inside.

I follow, stopping in the doorframe. “This isn’t my bedroom.”

“It’sabedroom. That’s all I need,” she says.

My mouth goes dry. “What do you need to show me?”

“Are you playing dumb right now?” Lily asks, hands on hips.