“It’s just . . . I don’t want you to worry I’m going to ruin anything between you and Lily because I’m not.”

Kayla puts down her pen and looks me dead in the eye. “I just want you to take care of yourself, okay? I don’t want you to get yourself hurt.”

I almost swallow my tongue.

“Because you can stand here and say it’s pretend, but pretending for a whole month . . . I’m not sure anyone is capable of that. Especially if you’repracticing kissing.”

I shove my hands in my pockets. “Just to make it look realistic,” I grumble.

My sister looks down her nose at me. “Yeah, I’m sure you didn’t enjoy it at all.”

I swallow. How am I the older brother, and yet she’s managed to make me feel like I’m a fifteen-year-old admitting I have a crush?

There’s a sudden thwapping on the door that makes me jump out of my skin. I flip around to see Lily through the glass windowed door. She waves her hand with a big smile and holds up the picnic basket in her hands.

My heart leaps into my throat. I smile back.

“Aren’t you going to let your fake girlfriend in?” Kayla needles.

I glare at her, then go over to the door to let Lily in. “Hi,” I say.

“Hey!” Lily blows right past me and goes to the counter. “Did I come too early? I can wait if you still have work to get done. In fact, I can help.”

I stare at her. She’s wearing dark blue denim cutoffs with raggedy hems and a crop top showing off the middle of her back which is clear of any tattoos, just a stripe of pale skin and the soft divot of her spine.

“No, I’m kind of tired of babysitting,” Kayla says, then adds pointedly. “He’s distracted anyway.”

I snap my eyes away from Lily and zero in on my sister. “Hey!”

She giggles. “You two go have fun on your fake picnic date.”

Lily glances back at me, a soft smile on her lips. Her very kissable lips.


“You ready, Jackson?” Lily asks.

“As I’ll ever be,” I say, trying to feign some amount of resignation. And, given my sister’s eye roll, failing.

Lily reaches into the basket and grabs a plastic bag, which she drops onto the counter before Kayla. “Toffee from my mom.”

“Yum. An angel.”

“Alright!” Lily steps toward me. “Shall we?”

I can’t find the words, so I give her a short nod and open the door for her again.

“Be safe! Take pictures for social media!”

Lily laughs and gives a wave over her shoulder toward Kayla as she heads back outside.

And for my benefit only, Kayla adds, “Use protection!”

“Oh my God,” I mutter and let the door slam closed behind me.

The evening is a bit cool, but still nice for August. I step up beside Lily and grab the basket from her. “Let me.”

“What a gentleman,” she teases.