“Thanks, sweetheart.” Jackson kisses my cheek before the two of them step away. It’s not a casual kiss. Not at all. His lips make full contact with my skin, making me tingle all over.
I watch them as they walk away, talking in that chest-puffing business way I always rolled my eyes at. But now . . .
God, it’s hot when men know what the fuck they’re talking about.
I get us both a glass of red wine and turn to head back to the table. I slam right into someone. Red wine sloshes onto my hands. I jump back, trying my best not to get anything on my dress or on the person’s clothes. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry. I should have looked where I was—”
“It’s okay, Lily.”
I look into the face of the person I’ve walked into and swallow. “Will . . . what are you doing here?”
My ex smiles at me softly, his eyes sad and puppy dog looking. His mustache is still going strong, although now that I don’t look at him with any sort of love, I realize how patchy it is. “It’s our school reunion.”
“Yeah, I know, I just didn’t—” Someone walks up and takes the glasses out of my hands to force napkins into them. I don’t even see who it is, my head spinning now that I’m face-to-face with Will. “Thank you,” I mutter, wiping the red liquid off my hands and wrists.
“I didn’t mean to get in your way. I just wanted to come over and say hi before dinner started, but . . . ” His eyes fall over my body. “You look good, Lily.”
I’m not sure how long it’s been since he gave me a compliment. “Thank you.”
“I’m surprised you’re here, this really isn’t your scene usually, is it?” he says, tucking his hands into his pocket and tilting his head to the side so the dangly earring on his right ear wobbles.
“No, it’s not, but I’m turning over a new leaf,” I say.
Will sucks his lower lip into his mouth. He’s doing his best to look pathetic, and I see right through it. How many times did he come to me with apologies and sad eyes only to hurt me again? “I’ve missed you.”
I stare at him, trying to muster the courage to tell him the truth: that I cannot say that I feel the same.
“I’m not here for the reunion,” Will says, advancing a step toward me. “Not really, I—”
I back up into someone else. However, this body was ready for me. Familiar hands slide around my shoulders.Jackson.
“Everything okay over here?” he asks in a voice that makes every shaky nerve in my body still.
I can tell Will is off-put already, eyes crimped with confusion. Let’s push him further. I take Jackson’s hand and look up at him. “Yeah, just saying hi.”
Softly, Jackson pulls me back to be tucked against his side where I am safe. He holds his hand out. “Good to see you, Will.”
Will eyes Jackson’s hand, then me. There’s a storm brewing in his expression. Hurt and confusion are at the forefront. Anger waiting in the back to strike. He takes Jackson’s hand anyway. “You too.”
“Been years!” Jackson says with a smile that plays at ignorance.
“I’m sorry,” Will tries to laugh. “You weren’t in our class, right? It was Kayla. Or am I . . . ”
I finally get the strength to say something. “Kayla’s at a conference this weekend so she couldn’t make it. And Jackson . . . ” I glance up at my best friend’s older brother. His eyes meet mine, and I wish I could be taken away on that ocean of blue. Away from here. Somewhere else. Where it’s just us.
“We’ve been seeing each other,” Jackson picks up where I left off.
“We’retogether,”I amend, thrilled at the way the words land against Will’s forehead.
My ex attempts to smile. “I see. Can’t say I ever saw you two together, but . . . ”
“Really? Everyone else seems to think it’s been a long time coming,” Jackson grins.
Will’s attempt at friendliness flattens. “Really.”
“Yes, that’s what everyone’s been telling us.” Jackson gestures toward the crowd. “Ask around.”
Will doesn’t follow Jackson’s gesturing hand. His eyes are planted on me. Boring into me. Trying to hollow me out.