“We bought it together.”
“Then it’s yours too.”
“It’s only a TV.”
Kris pursed his lips, but Ade knew what he was thinking.It’s only a TV… It’s only a stereo…The rate he was going, there’d be nothing left.
With a great deal of care, Kris put down his cup and rounded the bed. “Shower,” he mumbled as he left the room.
Heated towel railAde added miserably to the list because it was a compulsion. People commented all the time on how organised he was; none of them realised he couldn’t stop. Except maybe Kris had.
At least when Kris returned from his shower, Ade had managed to set aside his phone and drink his coffee. He smiled and shrugged in defeat.
“You’re right,” he admitted. “But what can I do? If I don’t give him what he wants, he’ll keep coming back again and again.”
Kris sat on the edge of the bed and took Ade’s hand. “I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you before. I kind of lose my mind when it comes to people like him.”
“I’ve noticed,” Ade muttered with no venom at all. “And I know that even if I do give him all that stuff, he’ll find other reasons to keep coming back. I just want him to leave me alone.”
“If I can help you, tell me. I’ll be there. I promise.”
“Thank you.” Ade looked up and smiled again, with a little more feeling. “It’s not the best way to woo someone, is it?”
Kris leaned sideways and kissed his cheek. “I feel very wooed,” he said playfully.
Ade rolled his eyes.
“I’m joking, Ade. Or kind of joking. I’d gladly spend the rest of the day in bed together, but not when you have this looming over you, unless you wanted to?” Kris shook his head, swallowed…turned pink. “What I mean is, I’m not rejecting you, but I’m trying not to put any pressure on you either. Does that make any sense at all? You know what? I’m just going to shut up. I don’t—”
Ade kissed him, and that did shut him up but also put temptation in Ade’s way, as Kris tasted delicious, of mint and cologne, and he was wearing only a towel.
Ade eased back from the kiss. “It makes perfect sense, but I’m not made of porcelain, and you don’t need to protect me. In fact, I’d rather you didn’t try so hard to do the right thing.”
That wasn’t true, as being cared for was quite a turn-on, and he loved that Kris paid such attention to how his actions might put Ade under duress. But he’d achieve nothing by delaying. He needed to go home and sort out his apartment, then face Fergus.
Face Fergus. Two words with the power to make him tremble until he thought he might shatter to pieces, but he was going to bloody well do it, even if it meant giving Fergus every last piece of furniture in the apartment. This was it. The end of the road. Do or die.I hope it’s do.
14: Trouble Ahead
“Ade, Ade! I’vebeen worried sick!”
“Sorry, Mary. I stayed at a friend’s place last night.”
“And a good thing it is too. He was here first thing this morning, hammering on the door and swearing loudly enough to wake the dead.” Mary cupped her hand around her mouth and muttered conspiratorially, “Even old Benny heard him, and his hearing aids haven’t worked since that time he washed them in Fairy Liquid. Anyway, Benny ordered him to leave or else he’d get the police and then threatened him with that starting pistol he keeps next to the bed—don’t ask how I know that. It’s very private.”
If ever there was an invitation to ask, that was it, but Ade had no intention of encouraging her. The mental image of toothless Mary and whiskery old Benny getting it on was not one he wanted to explore.
“So,” Mary continued, “Fergus told him to eff off or he’d call the effing police himself.”
Ade laughed, despite how scared he was, but he had a new weapon of his own today: resolve. Whether it would be enough, he didn’t know, but for the first time in as long as he could recall, he was thinking about the future, and it was Fergus-free. That future may or may not include Kris in the longer term; for now, he featured very prominently, as did Shaunna. New friends, a new beginning. Hope. All he had to do was put the past behind him and move on.
If only it were ‘all’.
“Mary, can you do me a favour?”
“Of course, lovey.”