Page 27 of A Curvy Wonderland

You are cordially invited to a Christmas party in honor of your work for the giving tree.

Black tie.

Food and drinks will be provided.

Down below wasthe date and time and location–the café at Emerald Acres. Along with a request to RSVP. I instantly recognized Eldan’s number.

My heart twisted painfully at the thought of seeing him again at the café. The place where I shared my first, and likely last, kiss with him.

Mom read the lines with me, and just about when I was done, she grinned. “Oh my gosh, that sounds so fun. What are you going to wear?”

She was so excited that I didn't know how to tell her I didn't quite share her excitement. What would it be like to see Eldan now? Especially when it had probably been his mom to send out these invitations. Did he even know I was invited?

But Mom was already up and going to my closet. She pulled out a sparkling blue dress. “This would be so pretty for a black-tie event. We could even go to the mall and get a little hair piece to match.”

Okay now she was speaking my language. “We can go shopping?” I perked up a little at the thought.

She grinned. “Of course. Go get your coat.”

Mom and I left my dad and brother behind at the house, and walked together to Cider Center, going through each of the shops. There were so many fun stores in Garland like The Nutcracker and Santa's Bag, and sometimes Mom and I would just go window shopping to pass the time. But today, we were on a mission. We got more than just an accessory for my hair, also finding a beautiful necklace with a bejeweled blue and white candy cane on the end and matching sparkling earrings.

Before I went to bed, she had helped me lay them all out in my room so that they would be ready for the next day because she wouldn't be home from work in time to help me get ready.

“Remember to RSVP,” Mom told me before saying goodnight.

I nodded, going to my bed and switching to my messages. I was staring at the blinking cursor when a call came through from Delilah. “You're coming to the party, right?” she asked. “The girls are so excited.”

I had to smile at the joy in her voice. “Yeah.” I couldn’t say no and let Tatum and Lucy down.

“Great,” she said. “Because Tatum has been constantly begging me to have you come over and do her hair like you did for the Christmas tree lighting.”

A laugh passed through my lips, completely unexpected. “Of course I'll do her hair.”

So that was that. I couldn't back out now, because the girls were expecting me. Needing me.

I could set aside my pride for one night and then do my best to never speak to Eldan Green again.



Imust have tied and retied my tie at least a dozen times, but it still wasn't falling straight between my suit lapels. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I yanked it loose. Tonight had to be perfect.

Even though doubt crept around the edges of my nervous mind reminding me of this fact: Holly still hadn’t RSVP’d.

Maybe all of this was pointless.

I let loose of the two strands of my tie and dropped my hands at my side.

“Need some help?”

In the mirror, I could see my mom coming into the room.

“Let me,” she said.

I turned to face her, trying to hide exactly how much this night had jumbled my emotions. How much I really hoped that it would all work out. She adjusted the tie, not quite meeting my eyes and said, “I'm so proud of you.”

That was the last thing I was expecting to hear. “You are?” I asked, looking up at her in surprise.