My hand was on the knob when my phone began to ring. I stepped outside, going down the sidewalk and biting off a glove, holding it between my teeth as I pressed answer on a call from Delilah. “Hey, I’m on my way.”
“Sorry, hon, I just found out the truck needs more repairs than they thought. I have the day off today so it looks like I’ll be helping the girls with the charity today.”
My heart fell, and I stalled at the corner where our home’s driveway joined the sidewalk. “I can still come along and help out?” I wanted to see Eldan today…
But Delilah quickly said, “No honey, you've worked so hard babysitting the girls this holiday. You should enjoy a day to yourself. Go see your friends, maybe catch a movie, okay?”
I frowned, not sure of a way to insist I come without being obvious. And I wasn’t sure where I stood with Eldan—but figuring it out with adult supervision didn’t sound all that romantic. So I simply said, “Okay.”
I could hear the smile in Delilah’s voice as she said, “I'll see you on Monday.”
“Monday?” I asked. It was only Thursday.
“Yeah, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, Christmas is Saturday, and no mail on Sunday. We'll be back at it on Monday.”
“Right…” I said slowly. How had time flown so quickly? I couldn't believe it was almost Christmas. How long would it be before I saw Eldan again?
“Have fun okay, tell the girls I love them,” I finally said. “I’ll bring their presents with me Monday.”
“We all love you too,” Delilah said. Then she hung up the phone.
With my heart sinking, I turned back to the house and went inside, taking off my gloves, scarf, and hat, and putting them back on the wall. Dad and my brother looked up at me from a game of chess they were playing in the living room. “You don't have to go into work today?” Dad asked.
“No, I guess not. The mail truck is broken down.”
He knocked over my brother’s bishop. “Want to play the winner?”
I managed to smile. “Sure.”
My little brother, thirteen years old, said, “You're playing me. Checkmate.”
I'd been planning to call Eldan, but I still didn't have his cell phone number. I’d need to call Emerald Acres once they opened to get in touch with him. Tell him that I wasn't going to be coming today, but I could volunteer tomorrow if he wanted some help.
Despite the unsettling feeling in my chest, I agreed. Short of showing up unannounced at Emerald Acres, there wasn’t much I could do to get in touch with Eldan sooner. Besides, Delilah would explain the situation.
I stayed busy with my dad and brother for the next couple of hours, playing chess and watching them compete when it wasn’t my turn. Seeing what moves they made, cringing at a bad one or cheering for a good one was a fun way to pass the time. In the back of my mind, I wondered if Eldan played chess. It would be fun to play the game with him.
When Dad had to leave for work, my brother started playing video games and talking over a headset to his friends. My mom had been at work for a few hours already, so I was on my own again.
Alone in my bedroom, I looked up the number for Emerald Acres, and called them. All the nerves at butterflies came rushing back as I heard the ring tone coming through the speaker. Someone with a deep voice answered, “Emerald Acres, how may I help you?”
“Hi…” Why was it so awkward to make a phone call? I talked to Delilah on the phone about the girls—my friends and I even video chatted time to time. But this had my heart about to beat out my chest. I took a deep breath, trying steady myself and asked, “Is Eldan available?”
“He's out working on the charity right now, are you a friend of his?”
Was I a friend? Was I more? I didn't know. But I simply said, “Yes.”
“Let me get you his phone number… Ready?”
I rushed to my desk, finding a notebook and a pen, and said, “I'm ready.”
The guy gave me Eldan’s number and I scribbled it down. “Thank you,” I said, staring at the string of digits.I had Eldan’s number.
“Sure thing. Have a good day,” the man said on the other end of the phone. I almost forgot we were still on the line.
“You too,” I said.
As soon as we hung up, I shakily typed Eldan's number into my phone and pressed Call.