“Wow,” Eldan said.
I was surprised too. “I know.” Maybe Scrooge was starting to thaw this Christmas too.
A few bites into my meal, my phone began to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered, seeing Delilah's name on the screen. “Hey,” I said.
“Hey,” she said. “My truck broke down, and it's going to be in the shop for the rest of the afternoon. Which means I'm free for a few hours. If you're not all busy, I can come and get the girls and do something with them.”
“I'm sure they'd love that. We're at Scrooge's right now eating lunch.”
“Be there in ten,” she replied.
I hung up the phone and Tatum said, “Who was that?”
“Your mom,” I said with a smile. “She's coming to get you girls for the afternoon.”
Tatum grinned, but Lucy looked sad.
“What's wrong?” I asked her.
She stuck out a trembling bottom lip. “I wanted to be Santa's reindeer for a little while. It was almost like we're doing Momma's job.”
I hadn't even thought of it that way. “You're right, you were delivering packages just like your mommy.”
Eldan said, “What if we saved these presents for tomorrow, and we can deliver some more when you're back at it?”
Lucy seemed to perk up at that, letting the subject go and diving into her chicken strip basket.
I gave Eldan an impressed look, “You're doing well with children,” I said softly.
“Guess I'm learning from the best.”
Was that a compliment to me? I was so surprised it took me a couple seconds to smile and say, “Maybe.”
Soon, Delilah entered the diner, wearing her postal uniform. A few people greeted her as she made her way to us, and then the girls got up from the table, giving her big hugs. She sat next to them while they finished eating their food. “How did it go this morning?” she asked us.
“Great,” I said. “Those girls gave Rudolph a run for his money.”
Tatum grinned, snuggling up to her mom's side. “Eldan was a good Santa.”
I swore I saw a tinge of color in his cheeks.
Delilah dipped her head toward him. “High praise from an eight-year-old.” Then she turned to her daughters. “What do you girls think about going to catch a movie at It's A Wonderful Film? They're showingThe Grinchtoday.”
“Ohh, that's Eldan's favorite movie,” I teased.
“Haha,” he said dryly.
Lucy said, “Can I get popcorn?”
“Of course,” Delilah answered.
Tatum added, “We should get some Milk Duds for Dad for when he gets back. Those are his favorite,” she explained to Eldan.
Delilah blinked quickly. “That's a great idea.”
The three of them left the restaurant, and then Eldan paid. He and I were left alone, walking to the Polaris. It was strange to be this close to him without the girls around.
“I guess we're done early?” I asked.