Page 17 of A Curvy Wonderland

“Well, a lot of the places we go, they have gifts for the girls, and they always say it's from Santa. Do you have anything to do with that?”

Her eyebrows drew together. “They’re getting presents?”

I nodded, pushing up from the washer. “Nothing big, just little cookies or trinkets.”

Delilah shrugged. “I didn’t set it up. Those people are probably just really thankful that y'all are helping them out.”

I nodded slowly.

She rubbed my arm. “Thank you for watching the girls. Work’s been so busy; it's nice knowing I'm covered here.”

“Of course,” I replied.

She left the laundry room, and I followed after her, still wondering who on earth Santa was and if the gifts were really a coincidence after all. My mind spun about the mystery, because I definitely shouldn't focus on the boy with green eyes, and the niggling idea that he has a secret soft side.



Idug into my pancakes and eggs as Mom sat across from me at the table with her own plate of breakfast.

Dad always woke up early, and he was already outside shoveling the pathways of the Christmas tree farm so that it would be ready for customers who came later in the day. The three of us usually connected at suppertime. They were the kind of parents that thought eating dinner together as a family was just as expected as snow in winter.

While chewing my food, I flipped to the next page of my book, reading one of the classics on a list recommended by my English teacher for winter reading. This one was a little less dull than the last, but luckily, I was a fast reader, otherwise this story wouldn't have kept my attention for very long.

After a few bites, I got to the end of the chapter and shut the book.

As if she was waiting for me to get to a stopping point, my mom said, “I talked to Delilah this morning. She called me on her way to work.”

My back straightened at the mention of Tatum and Lucy’s mom. “What did she say?”

Mom smiled down at her plate of food as if she didn't want to show me how happy she really was. “She says that this has been really good for the girls. All three of them.”

My lips twitched into a smile, but I hid it because I didn't want Mom getting any more bright ideas. Even if the giving tree idea hadn’t been as bad as I expected, I was still a little annoyed at having my winter break commandeered. “That's good,” I finally said.

“She said she thinks that Holly's taken a shine to you.”

Now my cheeks, neck,andears were feeling hot. “Mom…” I muttered.

She looked far too satisfied by my reaction. “She's a cute girl. I love her smile, and her sense of fashion. I wonder where she finds all of those Christmas sweaters.”

“You should ask her,” I said. “And let me know, so I can sue them for pain and suffering.”

Mom let out a chuckle. “You're awful.”

I shook my head. “It should be illegal to have that much Christmas cheer in your closet.”

Mom smiled. “Then you'll really love what Delilah said they're all wearing today.”

“What are they wearing?” I asked, already horrified. It couldn’t be worse than matching Christmas pajamas… could it?

Mom smiled coyly. “I'll let it be a surprise for you.”

Knowing she wouldn't budge even if I pressed, I took another bite of my breakfast and then got up, bringing my plate to the sink.

Mom asked, “What are you doing today?”

“We have enough presents stacked up that I thought it would be good to deliver them today.”