Page 21 of Giving Chase

He nods, his eyes roaming my face as if relearning it. "You too. You look great. Time off from babysitting us clearly agrees with you."

I can't help but laugh. "Funny, I was just thinking how relaxed you look. The break seems to be working wonders."

Chase shrugs, that familiar half-smile tugging at his lips. "Well, you know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the liver recover."

"Chase," I admonish, but there's no heat in it. I've missed this easy banter between us.

His eyes drop to my hand, and I see the exact moment he notices the diamond. His expression flickers ā€“ surprise, then something that looks almost like pain before he schools his features into a teasing grin.

"Wow," he says, his voice light but with an undercurrent I can't quite place. "That's some rock. Did you find a sugar daddy while we were away, or did you rob a jewelry store?"

I roll my eyes, fighting the urge to hide my hand. "Very funny. His name is Clive. Clive Baxter. He's a music promoter. We met at the Summer Sonic Festival in Tokyo."

Recognition flashes in Chase's eyes. "Clive Baxter? Tall guy, always wears those ugly paisley ties?"

I nod, surprised, purposely ignoring the tie comment. "You know him?"

Chase's grin turns a bit forced and my heart lurches. "Yeah, we've crossed paths a few times. Small world, huh? Well, congrats, Eliza. I'm happy for you. Really."

There's an awkward pause, filled with all the things we're not saying. I find myself searching his face, trying to read what he's really thinking. Is he upset? Jealous? Or am I just projecting, wanting to see something that isn't there?

"So," Chase says, breaking the silence. "Six months, huh? Feels like a lifetime. The guys are pretty excited about getting back in the studio. Think you can still handle us, or has your new romance made you soft?"

I arch an eyebrow at him. "Please. I could manage you boys in my sleep. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have."

Chase laughs, a genuine sound that makes something in my chest ache. "There's the Eliza we know and fear. God, I've missed this. Missed you."

The words hit me like a physical blow. I look up at him, and for a moment, I see everything we used to be, everything we could have been. And suddenly, I'm not sure of anything anymore.

"I've missed you too," I admit softly, the words slipping out before I can stop them.

We stand there for a moment, the air between us charged with unspoken feelings and missed opportunities. Then Chase clears his throat, breaking the spell.

"We should probably head over," he says, gesturing towards the door. "Don't want to be late for our own resurrection, right?"

I nod, gathering my things. As we walk towards the Blackmore offices, I'm acutely aware of the space between us ā€“ close enough to touch, but separated by choices and circumstances and the glittering diamond on my finger.

I think about Clive, probably already at work, planning his next big event. Steady, reliable Clive, who swept me off my feet in a whirlwind romance. Then I look at Chase, wild and unpredictable and so achingly familiar, and I feel my carefully constructed world start to tilt on its axis.

What am I doing? Is Clive just another project, something to distract me from the complicated mess of feelings I have for Chase?

As we step into the elevator, I catch our reflection in the mirrored walls, something Iā€™m so used to doing with us. Chase and Eliza, together again. It looks right in a way I'm not prepared to examine too closely.

"So," Chase says as the doors close, his tone deceptively casual. "You and Clive, huh? Must be pretty serious if there's a ring involved."

I nod, twisting the diamond absently. "It is. It's... fast, but when you know, you know. Right?"

Chase's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Right. Of course."

The elevator starts to move, and I take a deep breath. Two months until the wedding ā€“ a fact I'm grateful I haven't shared with Chase. Two months to figure out if I'm making the biggest mistake of my life, or finally doing something right.

God help me.



The Los Angelestraffic crawls along the 101, but for once, I don't mind. The slow pace gives me time to process Dr. Hendricks' words from our therapy session.