Page 22 of A Fine Line

“I really, really don’t think you do. But whatever it is, when you’re upset don’t go straight to drinking. Talk to us. We’re your family, we love you.”

I sniffed a little. Yeah, they loved me. Loved me the way a family would their pet gerbil. Or maybe a star they boughtin honor of their parent anniversary or something. The kind that’s easily forgettable but then when you’re reminded you’re like ‘oh, yeah, love that guy.’ The kind of love that doesn’t hold permanence. Permmmaaaaneeence. I like that word.

I reached for my phone in my back pocket and swung it in the air. “You’re the best sis in law, Layla. I should have asked you to put on the wig.”

“Oh…um, thank you, Crew.”

“Welcome.” I nodded and stayed in my seated position on the floor as the rest of my family was on the other end of the bar. Layla stood, gave them a thumbs up, and walked away, leaving me there alone.

I looked down at my phone and made a quick decision. Winnifred thinks she’s the only temptress? I can do it too. I can do it better.

Pulling up the contact that I debated a hundred times on deleting, but now was thankful I never did, I texted her.

Me: Les do it

It only took a minute of me staring blankly at the screen for a response to come back.

Winnie: I usually ask for names and what not before I agree to do ‘it’ with someone.

Me: It crew. Do the thing with me. Make me dessert.

Winnie: Your texting skills are just as poor as your manners.

Me: Too much drink. Make me dessert. I make you food.

Winnie: This has to be the most interesting caveman communication I have ever heard.

Me: Yes or no

Winnie: Well considering it was my idea first then I’ll have to say yes.

Me: C u tomm.

Winnie: I cannot wait for you to read these in the morning.

“Good morning!” I sang out, throwing open the unlocked door to Crews truck.

Judging by how he climbed in here with a hood pulled all the way up and the drawstrings yanked tight around his sunglass covered face, this man had a glorious hangover from whatever shenanigans he got up to last night. That being said, I ensured the doors slammed against the outside of his truck with a loud BANG. Pleasure coursed through me when I saw him flinch and groan, covering his barely exposed face.

“Can you not be here?”

“Actually, in a way, you begged me to be here.”

He lifted his head at that, and even with those ridiculous sunglasses on I could see his eyes lowering at me. “I never begged for a thing from you.”

My voice lowered into a caveman tone. “Me Crew. You give me dessert. I make you food. I drink so much.”

“I didn’t say it like that.”

“You did in my head,” I sang out. “I didn’t think you even had my number.”

When his text popped up in my notifications, quickly explaining who it came from, my heart battered around in my chest. I hated it for that. It was one thing to know Crew was attractive, my eyes didn’t know how to lie, it was entirely different for me to get all excited over a single text. Absurd, really. Yet still there was this small sliver of me that found it profoundly sweet that he did in fact still have my number from years ago.

“Yeah, I forgot I saved it before burning the evidence.”

Well, never mind.

I dusted it off and shrugged. “So, what are you gonna make me?”