Page 24 of Merry & Wild

“Good, maybe you’ll stick around just for that.”

“That,” she says, “and the sex. The sex is damn good.”

I grin at her, and at just the mention of sex with Joy, my cock immediately takes notice.

“That one,” Joy announces, pointing to a tree just off the road. “That’s the perfect Christmas tree.”

“Way too big,” I reply, shaking my head. “That sucker is at least fifteen feet tall.”

“No way,” she says, but keeps scanning. “Okay, how about that one?”

“That could work.” I stop the truck, put it into park, and grab the saw from behind the seat. “You stay here where it’s warm.”

“That was my plan, cowboy,” she says, batting her eyelashes at me, and I can’t help but laugh.

She’s funny as hell.

Trudging through the snow, I wiggle my wet gloves back onto my hands and then get to work, cutting down the small evergreen tree. After I shake the snow off of it, I drag it back tothe truck and get it into the back, stow the saw away, and join her in the truck once more.

“That was remarkably fast.”

“Not my first Christmas tree,” I inform her as I put the truck back in drive and head toward the cabin. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”

“I can’t believe you don’t have a Christmas tree,” she replies. “I bet your mom has some extra decorations that she’d let you use.”

“Why don’t you go ask her?” I raise an eyebrow at her, and she just narrows her eyes at me, making me laugh again. “Okay, I’ll call her when we get home.”

“Good.” She drinks her chocolate, holding it in both hands. “This is fun.”

“I don’t need this much,”I insist, staring at the huge box my mother just shoved into my arms. “It’s a small tree, Mom.”

“But this way, you can pick and choose what you want to use,” she says. “I take it you and Joy are having a good time?”

“I’m leaving now.” I turn to the door, and Mom tugs on my arm, stopping me.

“I didn’t ask for specifics,” she reminds me. “I just want to know if you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Of course, I am. I haven’t taken her home, have I?”

“Well, the highway is still closed, from what I hear. They’re still clearing the snow. It should reopen in a few hours, though.”

“How do you know?”

“Bonnie Johnson called me, and her husband is on the snow removal crew. When it’s all clear, your father is going to go get Missy.”

“I don’t mind getting her.”

“You’re busy,” she says. “And your dad doesn’t mind, either. I’m just glad she stayed in town. Anyway, you take whatever you want out of that and trim your Christmas tree with your girl.”

With my girl.

I really like the sound of that.

“Thanks, Mom.” With my hands full, I bend down so she can kiss me on the cheek, and then I make my way down their freshly shoveled steps to my truck and head back to the cabin.

When I walk inside, I’m hit with the smell of popcorn.

“Did you remember the sewing thread?” Joy asks as she shakes a bag of microwave popcorn into a bowl.