Chapter 32
I stood over the desk of one of my analysts as he frantically rummaged through piles of paper, looking for the contract I requested an hour ago. It wasn’t urgent but his incompetence coupled with my mood at this late hour of the evening had me glaring at him. I thought working late would take my mind off Ava, but nothing seemed to do that. “This shit is not going to fly, Corbin.”
“I know. I don’t know what the hell happened to it.” He stood and looked over at the one other analyst still working. Sheryl just shrugged and quickly glanced away—self-preservation I couldn’t blame her for.
Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket, and Ipulled it out to find a text alert from Gunnar. The last few texts that came from Ava I couldn’t even find the strength to open. That plus the fact that Gunnar never texted me had my heart racing and a knot forming in my gut.
I tapped into the message as Corbin muttered more lame excuses.
Gunnar:Hey, Mr. Big Shot. I hope you see this message because I’m gonna call you in 5 minutes, and if you don’t answer your goddamn phone, I’m going to fly back from Vegas and kick your ass. This is about Ava, and it’s important.
Whatever Corbin was saying didn’t matter at the moment. Not even the damn contract mattered as I sped-walked down the hallway, ignoring Corbin calling my name.
By the time I stepped into my office and closed the door behind me, the phone was already ringing, even though it had only been three minutes.
“Alex Bannister.”
“Don’t answer my fucking call like you didn’t know it was me.”
“Sorry, habit.” I leaned against my desk and ran a hand through my hair. “Why are you calling, Gunnar? Did something happen to Ava?”
“Not yet.”
His accusing tone confused and startled me. I pushed off the desk, then paced to the window and looked out into the night, as if there were some security for me there. “What the hell are you talking about? What happened?”
“Look, I don’t feel good about any of this. I don’t even know if I should’ve called you, but I was on the phone with Ava tonight, and she’s incredibly wasted. She said her and our friend Greta were going to meet at O’Grady’s Pub tonight.”
I sighed, relieved it wasn’t something serious but also annoyed I had to hear this. “Look, Gunnar, I’m sorry you’re not there to babysit Ava while she tries to drink away her guilt, but she’s with a friend. What do you need me for?”
“That’s the thing. Ava was going on and on about how much she missed you, and how she wishes she could go back to before you guys were together. Then that sent her off on a whole tangent about how much she misses dancing too…”
Growing impatient, I said, “Yeah, so? Get to the point.”
“You know how they have karaoke night at O’Grady’s? Well, tonight they’re doing something different. They’re having amateur stripper pole night, and Ava’s going…to enter!”
Instantly, I was thrown back to the days of beating asses on Ava’s behalf. Ava could always handle herself, but I could never control my feelings of jealousy and protectiveness. But this was different. If she was drunk…and taking off her clothes. What was she thinking?Obviously, they won’t be naked, but still… “Why didn’t you stop her!” I blurted.
“Don’t yell at me. This is all your fault.”
“My fault?” I huffed out a breath. “I’ve gotta go.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Whatever I have to,” I said, rushing to my desk and grabbing my keys. I tapped an end to the call without another word to him.
“Dammit, Ava!”
By the time I got to the bar, it was packed house. Twin sisters held the stage, wearing booty shorts and bikini tops and executing the most awkward pole dancing I’d ever seen. The guy’s cat-calling didn’t seem to mind. I could only imagine what they’d do when a professional dancer like Ava took the stage.
Working my way through the crowds, I scanned every corner of the place for Ava and didn’t see her. As a couple more dancers came and went, I began to calm down. Maybe she changed her mind and left… I thought about texting her, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. At that point, it wasn’t just the lying—it was Sammy’s reaction, the awkward family dinner moment…exactly what I was afraid would happen.
I went to the bar and ordered a bourbon and just as the bartender set it down in front of me, the MC said Ava’s name. I clenched my jaw as my heart slammed in my chest.
“Fuck,” I whispered to myself as Ava took the stage wearing what I thought I recognized as one of her old performance costumes. Two piece, tight-fitting, black and silver top with spaghetti straps and fringe and a matching short skirt. The crowd went wild but Ava was in character, unsmiling, seductive.