Page 49 of We Never Kissed

Ava spread the blanket down over the sand, and then I dropped the backpack on top of it. I had carried both of those things as well as two chairs and a towel, while Ava only carried her sandals. She’d told me it was my penance for being late tonight, and I had accepted it with a grin because I would’ve done it anyway. My girl wasn’t going to lift a finger in my presence.

I watched as she sat on her knees and dug things out of the backpack—which I’d mostly prepared in the morning before work—waiting until she got to the surprise I knew would please her, especially after our argument. I would have hated that to go to waste.

She didn’t disappoint when she squealed and pulledout the container. “Please tell me these are chocolate budino tarts.”

I nodded, confirming I’d brought one of her all-time favorite desserts.

“But they’re so hard to find.” She opened the top and took a big sniff. “Mmm.” Her grin grew wider, and she reached her hand out to me. “I can’t believe you did all this.” She laughed. “And it could’ve all gone to waste.”

I sat down next to her, ran a hand up her back. “Yeah, you almost blew it.”

Her mouth flew open, and I laughed. “You know I’m kidding. I might be a screw-up sometimes, but I know what my girl wants…and needs.”

Ava set the carton down and took my face into her hands before placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Thank you,” she whispered, lingering there, “but don’t talk about yourself like that…”

This woman…The breeze kicked up and mercifully cooled my heated skin. We’d been there five minutes, and I was already itching to get her naked. I nuzzled her neck and drew in her scent.

She was more concerned about the dessert at the moment and turned back to the backpack, adding, “Only I am allowed to put you down like that.”

“Fair enough.” I pulled out a digital candle, turned it on, and set it on the blanket.

We shared the chocolate tarts along with a perfectly paired beer, which we drank from the bottle. I always did love watching her chug a beer. I wasn’t worried about driving home because I planned to make the most of this beautiful night with my gorgeous girlfriend. We were in a pretty secluded spot, especially for this time of night and this late in the fall.

We had easy conversation, almost as if neither of us wanted to broach the subject we were supposed to be discussing. It just felt so right to finally be together and feel like we were a real couple, but this thing wouldn’t go away.

Ava must have noticed my inner debate because she said, “Are you sure you’re up for doing this? Telling the family, I mean.”

I took her hand. “I won’t lie. I’m a little worried…for all the reasons I’ve already said. But, hey, we already passed the first relationship test, so that should count for something, right?”

She tilted her head. “Test?”

“Yeah, we had our first fight and survived.”

“You survived,” she said, pushing against my chest.

Locking a hand around her wrist, I yanked her body against mine. “You’re a tough adversary, Ava, but I haven’t revealed all my power yet.”

She gazed into my eyes, her chest drawing in a deep breath. “Well, I can’t wait for that.”

The heady tone of her voice satisfied me, and I closed my mouth over hers. She responded instantly, letting out a little moan as I held her, and we kissed. She was wedged between my legs, wriggling in all the right spots as our kiss grew hungry, frantic. When she pulled away, our eyes met and held for several seconds. I knew in that moment, I could spend the rest of my life looking into the depths of those gorgeous eyes. “I wish I had words to fully explain what I feel for you, Ava.” I could hear how breathless my words were, but I didn’t care.

“I think I know,” she said quietly. “I just hope…”

I knew what she was thinking. It was the only dark cloud in this whole thing, but I didn’t want her to worry or feel responsible. “There’s nothing we can do but be honest.” I brushed a lock of hair from her face. “I love Sue and Denny and Sammy…you… You’re my family. My only family. But, there isn’t anything I’d give up to be with you. I’d risk the world for you, Ava.” A tear slid down her cheek, and I brushed it away with my thumb.

“You shouldn’t have to,” she said, a hint of desperation in her tone. “I’m banking on all of us. My parents love you like a son, and if we don’t make it—”

I crushed my mouth to hers, kissed her long and hard before easing her down onto her back. “Don’t you dare sayit.” I peered down at the most incredible woman I’d ever known. “We’re making it, damn it.” I shook my head when her mouth parted to speak. “That’s final, Ava.” Then I placed kiss after kiss on her mouth, her neck, her collar bone as I worked to relieve her of her clothes. She was stunning under the moonlight, and my heart almost couldn’t take it.

We made love under the cloudless sky with the sounds of crashing waves muffling her cries as we reached that pinnacle together, holding each other as close as two people could.

After, we lay on the blanket, me on my back, Ava with her head resting on my chest.If this is the only moment I ever have with Ava, I’ll be the luckiest man in the world. And yet, I knew I’d fight like hell to keep her in my life.

Her finger brushed over the scar on my chest, and then she kissed it softly. That small gesture had my body coming alive again, ready to go for round two. But then she jumped up. “Come on.” Reaching down for my hand, she said, “We haven’t gone skinny dipping in ages.”

I shook my head, releasing a chuckle. “Skinny dipping? You think I would have taken this long to be with you if I’d ever seen you naked?”

I let her pull me up, and then gazed down at her, waiting, trying to keep eye contact when she was only in her panties.