Page 32 of We Never Kissed

“Come on, I’m kidding. They’re at Sadie’s place, so I would have been on my own for dinner anyway.”

Gunnar moved farther into the living room. “How about you, big guy?” he said to Alex, gripping his shoulder.

I caught a wince from Alex, but he still said, “Sure, why not?”

We took a few minutes to make sure everything was in and secure, locked up our new apartment, and then headed over to Ted’s Tavern, arriving in the thick of happy hour.

I sat between Alex and Gunnar at the table, across from Sammy, which was good and bad. I didn’t have to worry about avoiding weird eye contact with Alex, but Sammy had the perfect view to catch anything suspect between Alex and me.

As it turned out, we were all starved, and the wings were amazing. Most of the conversation was around Gunnar and his family. Alex and Sammy were giving him the third degree like they would if he were a date or boyfriend, and I pretty much let it happen. I knew Gunnar could hold his own. But then the guys turned up the heat.

“So, you just gonna live off your trust fund, or you’re actually going to work?” Alex said.

My mouth flew open. “Alex!”

“It’s totally fine,” Gunnar said, putting a handon my arm.

Sammy leaned in, elbows on the table as if he were dying to know the answer too.

“I do have some skills,” Gunnar said, passing his gaze around the table.

“That’s right. He’s an incredible dancer, extremely smart, and has better people skills than either of you.”

“Thanks, baby… And actually it’s those people skills I’ll tap into. I have a lot of experience working in my family’s hotels in Vegas. I’ll probably use some of my hookups and try to get a concierge job. If there’s one thing I’m the freaking best at, it’s planning fun shit to do and spreading joy.”

“I gotta hand it to you, man,” Sammy said. “You’re using what you learned from your family but not so much their money.”

“Thank you, sir,” Gunnar said like he was talking to his prom date’s dad.

I elbowed Alex in the side, and he flinched.

“Yeah, yeah, respectable.”

Gunnar gave him the side-eye before he continued, “Full disclosure, though, I’ve enjoyed the benefits of their wealth for a long-ass time.”

“But you do a lot of giving back and charity work, and that counts too.” I nodded emphatically.

“And don’t you two worry… I’m going to take real good care of your little girl.” Gunnar draped an arm around me, and I couldn’t help but bust out laughing.

I didn’t care that they were all talking about me like I wasn’t there. I knew I could stand on my own two feet, but I was grateful I had three amazing men who looked out for me.

Alex pushed out his chair. “Well, I’m going to the bar to get drinks. Our server is MIA.”

“I’ll help!” Gunnar said excitedly, jumping up to follow Alex. He threw a grin at me over his shoulder. Gunnar might put up this silly front, but I knew he sought their approval.

I watched them make their way up there and noticed it was pretty crowded at the bar area too. As they were waiting for a space to open up, a gorgeous and tall blond ran up to Alex and threw her arms around him. They were almost the same height, and I wondered if she was some model he’d dated. My pulse quickened as I waited for him to give her the brush off, but instead his arms went to her back. And then, she kissed him on his fucking mouth!

Chapter 18


My heart lodged in my throat as I watched Alex in a lip lock with some other woman. The logical side of my mind immediately jumped in.You guys never specifically discussed being exclusive. But then the emotional side bitch-slapped logic.Bullshit, we were exclusive the moment we kissed. It was unspoken but no less real. Plus, there was that Jessica incident, and he assured me I was the only one he wanted.

I felt the sting of tears threaten my eyes, and it sent a current of panic through me. Of course I didn’t want Alex to see me crying over him, but more importantly, Sammy, who had been sitting across from me, was now next to meand seeing the same thing I was. He’d know about Alex and me if he saw how upset this made me.

Gunnar had been trying to navigate an opening to the bar so he didn’t see the kiss. A small relief.

I reached for my water just as the two of them pulled apart. Watching them over my glass, I studied their mouths, wishing I could make out what they were saying.