Page 4 of We Never Kissed

“Yes!” Mom rushed around the counter and grabbed my hands with hers. “Oh, honey, we’re so happy for you. I’m sorry we couldn’t wait for you to tell us.” She pulled me into a hug, and when my gaze connected with my dad’s, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. My eyes filled with tears and dad’s face fell. He knew me better than anyone.

Dad came around and pulled my mom back. “Sue…honey.”

“What?” she said, somewhat affronted. “Can’t I—”

“Sue,” Dad said gently and then gestured to me.

I shook my head. “I’m so sorry…”

Realization finally hit, and my mom’s confused expression turned to concern. “Ava, honey, what happened?”

I wished I had an easy answer for them. I was seconds from giving them the “It’s not him, it’s me” reason, but that didn’t feel entirely true. Sure, I’d never really found my way after college, which I went to simply because my parents felt it was the thing to do. I’d wanted to be a dancer, and I’d performed in shows while I went to UNLV and some after, before I got my job at SLAPublishing. But my uncertainty about my professional life didn’t apply to my personal life. “I don’t love him…” Then I quickly added, “Not the way I should.” Mark was a decent guy, good-looking, kind. We’d felt so comfortable from day one, which was probably why we grew close so quickly. But from that first day, there was something missing. Something I knew existed because I’d felt it before. It was powerful and amazing and addicting, and it also hurt like hell because I could never truly have it. But that was what I wanted. I wanted it all.

“Are you sure that’s it?” Dad said, his tone firm. “He didn’tdoanything, did he?”

“No, Daddy. Nothing like that.” I held back the tears I felt fighting their way out. Tears that weren’t for what I had lost but for what my parents had lost. “I’m sorry if you’re disappointed.”

Mom rubbed my arms. “We only want you to be happy. And I’m so proud of you for knowing what you want and what you don’t want.” She took my face in her hands and gave me one of her dazzling smiles. “We’ll make the most of this visit. We can do whatever you want.” Her face lit up. “Oh, do you want to go to the hospital with me and hold some babies?” Mom was a dedicated RN, and I was always so proud of her.

I laughed and covered my mom’s hands with mine. “That sounds nice, actually. But I have more to tell you.”

Mom took a step back. “Oh?”

A knot formed in my stomach at the looks on their faces. I hated how much they worried about me. I was twenty-eight, and they still saw me as their little girl. “I’m moving back home.” I realized how that sounded when it came out. “I mean nothomehome, although I might need to stay here while Gunnar and I look for our own place.”

“Gunnar?” Dad practically shouted. “The naked guy?”

“Dad!” I whined. I met Gunnar doing shows in Vegas, one of which just happened to be burlesque. Gunnar prides himself on his physique. “He wasn’t totally naked.”

Mom ignored the whole Gunnar issue and said, “Are you quitting your job?”

“I was going to, but they said I could work remotely while I figure out what I want to do.”

“Is that why you don’t want to marry Mark?” Mom sounded concerned.

“I thought he was gay,” Dad said.


“No, Gunnar.” Hands on his hips, Dad blew out a breath.

“Dad, he’s not gay. He’s fluid…and pansexual.”

He backed away to the kitchen, then. “You’re throwing a lot of stuff at us, honey. Can I get theCliff Notes.”

“People don’t use Cliff Notes anymore. You do know how to use Google, right?”

Mom folded her arms. “You know what he means.”

I sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry. One, I’m moving back to Ladera Ranch because I want a fresh start. I had a great experience in Vegas, but it’s no longer the place for me. And Mark isn’t the man for me. Gunnar and I have a lot in common.” Upon seeing both their expressions, I said, “What? I don’t mean that. And for Gunnar, he just likes people and doesn’t concern himself with anything but an earthy connection. He asked if he could come with me, and I was actually really excited to do this with him.”So, please don’t ruin it.“Anyway, if you guys don’t want us here, we can—”

“Of course, we do, honey.” Mom rubbed my shoulder, then shot a glare over to my dad. “Don’t we, Denny?”

“Sure. Just tell him to keep his clothes on.”

I gave my parents a tight smile. “It won’t be for long. I promise. And thank you for understanding. I’ll tell you more later, but I think I’m all talked out.”

“We’re sorry about Mark, sweetheart,” Dad said.