Page 22 of We Never Kissed

I cocked my head, my expression saying,Really?

“Okay, you’re right. But point one trumps that. So, really all you’re dealing with here is that he lied.” I started to speak, my mouth hanging open, when he said, “Unless…itwaswork.”

“Sipping wine on his balcony, her in a damn cocktail dress?” I practically whined.

“Okay, that one the jury is still out. So, what are you going to do? Confront him? What if he doesn’t even realize you called?”

Just then my cell rang. Gunnar and I exchanged wide eyes.

“See who it is,” he said with urgency.

I swiped my phone up and looked at the screen. It was Alex.

Chapter 13


I stood in the corner of Sammy and Cass’s living room, nursing a beer and watching a dozen or so people race to stuff their faces before the games started. Sammy’s game night had been happening for as long as I could remember. Even back in college, the guy could just as easily go to a frat party and meet women as he could spend the night in, playing board games or poker. The boy was competitive as fuck, too. And when he said we started at seven, that meant asses in seats by 6:59 p.m.

In attendance this time were Sammy’s cousin, Terese, and her boyfriend, Keygan, some friends from school, twowomen from the bakery, and, of course, Ava and her attached-at-the-hip side-kick, Gunnar.

Dude looked like he belonged in a magazine ad for cologne. If I wasn’t straight as an arrow, I’d find him attractive.Okay, he’s damn good-looking, and it bugs the shit out of me. I just found it hard to believe he didn’t still want Ava. Sure, she’d said nothing was going on between them, but that didn’t mean he didn’t still think about them. But who was I to talk? Plus, I had enough things to worry about where Ava was concerned: like how I was going to get her alone to explain about Jessica.

Sammy gave the ten-minute warning, and for some reason, that caused Ava’s eyes to shoot in my direction.

I had been looking forward to this game night because it would have allowed me to spend time with her but, after what happened…the whole thing felt awkward.

I wasn’t sure exactly what went down, but all I knew was that after I’d practically shoved Jessica out my door at ten thirty, I went to do some work and saw that there was a video call from Ava. After further inspection, I was shocked to find it had connected for almost two minutes. Who knew what the hell Ava saw during that time, but I had immediately called her. As I’d suspected she didn’t pick up. I didn’t send her a text because I wanted to speak with her face-to-face tonight.

I didn’t know what I was expecting, but so far she wasacting as if nothing had happened. I supposed there could’ve been two minutes of empty air time, and there was no reason for her to be pissed at me, but that would be wishful thinking.

At the five-minute warning, Terese walked over to me, and we hugged.

“Mr. Big Shot, haven’t seen you in a while.” She sipped red wine and grinned, closed-mouth with full red lips. She’d always flirted with me over the years, but I thought she did with everyone. I’d made sure to keep a healthy distance just in case, since she was Sammy and Ava’s cousin.

“Work’s been crazy, but I’m not complaining.”

I was about to ask how she’d been, when she touched my arm, and her face turned serious. “So, how’s your mom doing?”

Her words hit like a gut punch, especially since they came out of left field. Most everyone there knew my history, knew about my mom, so I didn’t get why she was asking me.

Just then, Ava rushed toward us. “Two minutes, people! Let’s go.” Then she looped her arm through Terese’s, saying, “You’re sitting next to me, cuz.”

As everyone took their seats, I tried not to watch Ava’s every move. Her dark hair, full and bouncy, covered part of her gorgeous face. The urge to reach over and brush itaway made my hand twitch. She wore loose jeans that hung low on her hips and a tight black T-shirt with the perfect neckline to tease just enough. She had one of those magical smiles that made people feel cared for, and I wanted a big piece of that.

Despite the unresolved issue between us, I sat at the same table as she did, right next to Gunnar, whose grin was more of a smirk.

“Ready to get your ass kicked?” he said, and I caught Ava shooting him a glare.

At our table, Cass doled out cards for Cards Against Humanity while I had second thoughts about joining poker in the kitchen. What happened next didn’t help my attitude.

Gunnar held up his glass to me. “Well fuck me six ways from Sunday…there’s a gnat in my drink.”

Shit. So, she had seen something on that damn video call and then went running to Gunnar? My jaw clenched as I ignored the man sitting next to me and focused on Ava. Her eyes caught mine for only a moment before she shrugged and picked up her cards.

Maybe I was reading into everything, but it felt like, throughout the game, the two of them took every opportunity to give me a dig or send me a message based on the cards they put out. But I made sure to remain unaffected; after all, I’d done nothing wrong,and I would explain that eventually. When that game ended, Gunnar stood and said, “I need some air. I think I’ll hit the balcony.” He turned to me, holding his glass. “Care to join me?”

“Naw, I’m good, bro,” I said and gave him a healthy pat on the back, even though we both knew it was another reference aimed at me, since Jessica and I had been on the balcony. Then I laughed and added, “But there’s no balcony in this house.”