But when I woke up sometime before dawn, the space next to me was cold. And Alex was gone.
Chapter 34
I sat across from the nurses’ station, holding a to-go cup of coffee and pretending not to notice the two young ladies at the counter eyeing me. It looked like one of them might have even snapped a pic of me, but I couldn’t be sure. The old me would have strolled over and secured at least one of their numbers. But I was in no mood to flirt, let alone even think about women.
One of the older nurses walked up, and the two girls separated. “Jill, Mr. Evers is specifically asking for you again.”
The one with the phone slid it onto the desk and said, “I’ll check on him.”
When she walked off, the older woman turned to me. “Alex, right?”
As soon as she said it, I recognized her as Gayle, a charge nurse that Sue had introduced me to a while back.
I stood and moved to the counter. “Yes, how are you, Gayle?”
The slight blush in her cheeks told me she appreciated I’d remembered, especially since I didn’t see a name tag on her.
“Did someone page Sue for you?”
“I’m right here, Gayle,” Sue said, walking up behind me.
Her hand landed on my back, and when I turned, she gave me the reassuring smile I’d apparently come there for. Or, at least that was one of the reasons. As if she’d been expecting me, she said, “Come on. Let’s go to the lounge. I have a few minutes.”
I nodded to Gayle and then followed Sue down the hallway.
Handing her the to-go cup when I fell in line beside her, I said, “Your favorite but unfortunately probably cold by now.”
“I’ll pop it into the microwave before we sit.”
I hadn’t planned on going there that afternoon, just got in my car after a lunch meeting and found myself drivingtoward the hospital. But Sue didn’t even ask me what I wanted.
At the lounge, she led us over to a couple of chairs in a quiet corner, then walked over to a microwave on a cart. When she returned and took the seat across from me, panic shot through my system. What could I possibly say to this woman that wouldn’t have her disappointed in me? I supposed guilt had led me there, but it was trepidation that had dried my mouth right up.
As if we had all the time in the world, she sipped her coffee and watched me. “Mmm, just what I needed. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I grinned and after a moment I said, “I spoke to Jo last night.”
Setting the cup on the small table, she said, “Oh, good. Were you able to help him?”
I nodded. “The information he sent me was solid, but I’m just not sure with his limited income if he should risk it.”
“Then I’m guessing that’s exactly what JoJo will do.” She laughed. “Thank you for doing that.”
I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Yeah, of course.” But the look on her face had me pausing, my pulse quickening. Silence hung in the air, and as usual Sue knew exactly what the score was.
“I still have a few more minutes, so why don’t you tell me why you’re really here, Alex.”
My mouth parted, but I couldn’t find the words, wasn’t sure how to start this thing.
She leaned over, put her hand on mine as it rested on my knee. “Whatever it is, it’s all right…you know?”
Her concern, her sheer acceptance of me, something she’d always done, felt achingly undeserving. I’d never expected a thing from the Steadmans, never even asked for anything. But they continued to give and be there for me. Even when I wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. Part of me wanted them to disown me for what I’d done, but a bigger part of me wanted to unburden myself and beg forgiveness.
Pulling my hand from beneath hers, I drew in a breath and sighed. “I need to tell you something. I, uh… I’ve kept something from you.” It dawned on me briefly that maybe I should have talked to Ava, or at least given her a heads up, but I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t owe her that now after what she’d done. Even after last night, which was too complicated to process, I wasn’t sure how we could move forward.
Her expression didn’t waver as she waited.