Page 31 of We Never Kissed

“We have forever to unpack, and those fine young men out there are still unloading the truck, so spill it before they come back.”

I pulled some dish towels from a box and shoved theminto a drawer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We were watching a movie.” I shrugged.

“You cannot tell me that man of yours didn’t give you the massive O when you guys were on the couch under that blanket. I heard…noises.”

I opened another box that wasn’t labeled for some reason and found it was filled with what looked like designer shoes. “This isn’t kitchen stuff,” I said, annoyed.

Gunnar leaned over and peeked inside. “Yeah, those are mine.”

“Why do you have a box of designer shoes? Some of these are women’s shoes.”

He stared at me with a smirk on his face. “I’ll tell if you tell.”

I threw a look over my shoulder to check we were safe. “Fine, be that way. But, I’m not gonnasayanything because I don’t want to get in the habit of kissing and telling, especially when I’m trying to get you and Alex to get along.” Then, I gave him a single nod, holding back a grin.

“Holy shit! I knew it. But you guys still haven’t done it yet, right?”

I threw a hand on my hip and glared at him.

“Fine…respecting privacy and all that crap.” His shoulders slumped like he was twelve and I’d told him no video games.

I scoffed. “First of all, now you have to tell me where you got all these. And second, you’re going to get your ass off the counter and take this box into your room.”

Reversing the order, Gunnar hopped off the counter. “Before we left, I stopped by my parents’ house, told them I was collecting for charity, got some stuff from their closet and my little sister’s.”

“And they just gave you all these shoes that look brand new?” My tone told him I was more than skeptical.

Lifting the box, he said, “Gaveis a tricky word…”

I smacked him on the shoulder and then followed him out of the kitchen. “I can’t believe you stole all these.”

“My family doesn’t need them and probably won’t even know they’re gone. Besides, I thought we could bring them with us to that homeless shelter we were going to visit when we were settled.”

“Oh, good idea…I think?”

“Hey, just because they’re homeless doesn’t mean they don’t want to look dazzling in a pair of Louboutins.”

“You’re right,” I said as he moved into the hallway while I stopped in the living room, noticing Alex walking up with a box. “And that’s why I love you…and why I put up with your crap. Now go put that box away.” I rushed to pull the door open farther and then hold it for Alex.

“Did you just say you loved Gunnar?” He passed mewith a glare I could tell was forced. “While I’m over here killing myself carrying all these boxes?”

“You’re fine…” I pointed to the living room. “And I’m pretty sure those are pillows so…” Then I tapped him on the ass before I realized how dumb that was.

Because a second later, my brother, Sammy, was coming through the door, carrying an artificial plant in a basket. “All that’s left are those two floor lamps.”

“Thank you both so much.” I glanced around the room at all the boxes, the thought of all the work ahead not as terrible as I’d anticipated. I was just happy to be out of my parents’ house. They were awesome about all this, but now I could have time with Alex and not stress over it.

“I’ll grab those lamps,” Alex said.

But just as he rounded the couch, Gunnar came from the hallway. “Wings and beers on me.” He held up his phone. “There’s a place not far from here that’s supposed to be amazing. Nice bar. Great food.”

“I could eat,” Sammy said. “Thanks.”

“Um, hello? Don’t you have a wife and child to get to?” I chimed in.

“Yeah, Alex, don’t-cha?” Sammy chuckled.

“Hey!” I said in defense of my sister-in-law and nephew.