Her response was to shoot a look over her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I suppose since you live here, I figured you knew. I come for dinner the last Saturday of every month, but because of game night, I missed.”
“I should have known something was up. Mom never makes manicotti. Says it’s too much work.”
I showed her a half grin, proud of my special treatment. “I guess I’m worth it. Now if you’ll excuseme…” I moved past her but not before giving her ass a little smack. Those tight yoga pants were irresistible. I was sure her mouth was hanging open, so I didn’t need to look back, just continued on to the kitchen. Business as usual.
Sue greeted me with a giant hug, then took the wine from my hand. “How are you, sweetie?” she said, patting me on the shoulder with her free hand.
“Good. Busy.”
She flipped the light switch on the oven and peeked in, replying, “Grab yourself something to drink, then you can give me a real answer.”
“What do you mean?” I chuckled and pulled a beer from the fridge. Popping it open, I quickly added, “Sammy and Cass coming?” hoping that would distract her. Sue was like a drug-sniffing dog at the border.
“Dax has an ear infection. And you know what I mean.” She leaned against the counter. “I know what the one-word answers mean. Are you dating someone? Is that it?” She grinned as if she hoped that was it. Too bad the truth would wipe that smile right off her face.
“I’ll be closing that Brilliance deal I told you about…” I took a long pull from my beer. “How long before we eat?” I hadn’t thought about facing Sue, keeping this from her. I knew I would have to, but I didn’t realize how hard it would be.
Sue shot me that disapproving mom look. “Uh-huh. Isee. I suppose you’ll tell me about her when you’re ready.” She pulled a stack of dishes off the counter and pushed it out to me as if the message were clear to set the table. “Dinner in about half an hour.”
Later, when we were all seated at the table, there was an awkward vibe with Gunnar there and not Sammy and his family. Denny talked about his looming retirement, Ava filled us all in on the apartment it looked like her and Gunnar were going to get, and Sue told the story of a champion of a baby girl born at just twenty-eight weeks and, of course, she teared up as she relayed the details, even with the happy ending.
As if a switch flipped, Sue turned to Ava and said, “So, heard anything about this new girl Alex is dating?”
Ava’s eyes popped wide. “What? Me? Why would I—”
“Ooh, who’s the lucky lady?” Gunnar cut in. I wasn’t sure if it was to save Ava or to goad me.
I dug into my cheesy pasta tube and took a big bite, occupying my mouth.
“Why are we ganging up on Alex?” Denny put in. “Leave the man alone.”
I grinned, not just for the support but because he called me a man and not a boy, which had been his practice. “Thank you, Denny. Truth is my life isn’t that interesting. You all know how much I work.” I turned toSue. “That’s why I appreciate these meals so much. This is amazing, by the way…”
Sue gave me a genuine smile that time. “You’re welcome. And I’m sorry to give you such a hard time.”
Despite her words, I knew she wouldn’t let this go.
After dinner, we all pitched in to clear the table and put things away. Surprisingly, Gunnar offered to do the dishes, since Sue and Denny wanted to catch a movie. That left Ava and me to fend for ourselves. When she suggested we watch a movie, I couldn’t say no. Anytime with her, being near her, just looking at her, I’d gladly take over anything else. But if I were being honest with myself, it was getting harder and harder to hold myself back. Waiting to be with her had been killing me, and the fact that I couldn’t have her yet, made me want her all the more.
So, when I entered the living room and found her on the couch—having changed into some skimpy short pajama bottoms and a tank top—I almost lost my shit.
My pulse sped up as she stared up at me, a sexy grin pulling at her full mouth, her hand resting on the blanket next to her. My brain went wild with the things I could do to her under that blanket.
“Are you coming…” she said in a soft silky tone.
I looked toward the front of the house. Sue and Dennyshould be gone for hours… And Gunnar, well, I’d handle him if he bothered us.
Screw it. “Oh, I’m coming all right.”
Taking a seat next to Ava on the couch that I’d spent many days and nights on over the years, watching sports with Sammy was more than surreal—but in a way it felt wrong. Sure a bunch of us kids would pile in there to watch a movie, and many times Ava was there, but I never planned to feel her up on it under a blanket. Sue and Denny would likely be home close to midnight, and Ava had texted her mom a random question just to make sure everything was all right and there were no mishaps that would bring them home early. But it wasn’t all about getting caught. This was their little girl—in their eyes anyway.
As she went through the guide and we debated which movie to see, we were sitting close enough our legs touched. She rested her free hand on my thigh, and I didn’t know if it was done absentmindedly or not, but when she began moving it up and down, my loose-fit jeans suddenly felt snug with the blood racing through my veins. I crossed one leg over my knee, resting my ankle on it.
I wasn’t sure what Ava saw happening tonight, but the longer she rubbed my thigh the more I saw myself needing an all-or-nothing scenario.
“Rom-com, action? Or thriller?” She turned her head, and her lips were inches from mine, so full and stained light pink.