“Blake, really that’s not…” but she was talking to dead air. He had already hung up.
Fine, he wouldn’t let her get a word in edgewise, she’d be gone before he got there.
Chapter 16
After another sleepless night, Gwen dragged herself out of bed, arriving at work early to get stuff done so she could leave. Her only appointment that day was at one, so she would call Frank and schedule something in the late afternoon, giving her plenty of time to be done without Blake any the wiser.
First stop, the breakroom to grab a cup of coffee. She was dreading running into Sheila today. Talk about awkward. The reason for Frank’s call had been bad enough but to have disturbed her on a day off was beyond tacky.
Luckily, Sheila wasn’t in yet when she arrived, but not as lucky, Jason was. He was nice, but the last person she wanted to chat with first thing in the morning after a breakup.
Too late to avoid him, she went straight for the coffee pot, grabbed a foam cup, and filled it almost to the brim.
“Hey, Gwen. How was your weekend?”
She dumped a buttload of powdered creamer in the cup and stirred. “It was okay.”
“Just okay? You still seeing that guy?”
She wanted to lie, she really did, but she was a terrible liar. Her cheeks would get flushed, she’d stammer, and people would always call her out. It had been even worse when she was young and had learned at an early age to tell the truth. She got into a lot less trouble that way. “We’re, um, not seeing each other anymore.”
She blew on her coffee and took a small sip. Perfect. Wandering over to the table, she set her cup down and sat. Jason, unfortunately, followed suit, picking the chair right across from her. She’d been hoping he’d grab a coffee and leave.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that, but good news for me. You can pay up on that date you owe me.”
God, he was persistent. “Jason, I—”
“Nope,” he interrupted before she could get her excuse out. “I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll pick you up Saturday after work.”
“Jason, I’m really not in the mood to go out.”
“Sometimes that’s the best time to go.”
She thought about that a moment. Maybe he was right. “Fine, but only this once.”
He beamed and winked. “One time is all I need.”
Persistent and cocky, she smiled even knowing it would only encourage him and shook her head.
“See. I’m getting to you already, and our date hasn’t even started yet.”
“Don’t put the cart before the horse, Romeo.”
“Aw, come on, you know I’m just messing with you.”
She did, and it actually felt good. Maybe a date wasn’t such a horrible idea after all.
Her luck ran out about a half hour later when she saw Sheila in the stock room. “I almost called you yesterday,” Sheila said by way of greeting.
“About that.”
She held up a hand. “No need to explain. I’m well aware it was a surprise to you, too. I’m not going to say anything to sway your decision, but know, if you do take the offer, you will be missed.”
Gwen pushed past the sudden lump in her throat, “Thanks. I haven’t decided anything yet—I still don’t even know what the job entails.”
Sheila looked puzzled. “He didn’t tell you?”
She shook her head. “I’m meeting Frank at his office at three to go over things. That should give me plenty of time for my appointment with Ms. Kramer.”