Allie executed a spin and placed a hand on her hip, cocking it. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have a fabulous leather ensemble like I do.”
Jealous? No. A little envious? Maybe. Allie did look fantastically edgy and made her white, off-the-shoulder swing dress feel slightly demure. But only in comparison. Otherwise, it was sexy as hell.
Gwen looked at the time on her phone. “I need to finish my makeup. Our ride will be here soon.”
“Can I say again how cool it is having a personal driver come pick us up.” Allie sauntered into the bathroom and sat on the closed toilet seat.
“That’ll be your life soon, Ms. Movie Star.”
Allie snorted. “That’s Ms. TV Star, to you, and highly doubtful.”
“Hey, you never know. This could be your big break. A famous producer will see you and shout…Get me that girl!”
Allie laughed. “Have you been watching reruns ofI Love Lucyagain?”
She flashed Allie a grin. “Maybe. But that doesn’t make it any less true.”
“We’ll see. Honestly, I’m just happy to have gotten the part. Do you know over two hundred people tried out for it?”
Gwen’s mouth fell open in the process of putting on her lipstick. “You’re kidding!”
“Nope,” Allie said, popping the P.
“I had no idea. That makes me feel doubly horrible you had such a shitty celebration.”
Allie waved her hand. “Get over it. I’d rather have ice cream on the couch with you than champagne at the Ritz with Chris Hemsworth.”
They both looked at each other and burst out laughing at such a blatant lie.
Recovering herself, Gwen said, “But seriously, I’m not surprised you got the part, being so awesome and all.”
“Aww… Right back at you. You’re just as awesome, landing Blake Stone, the catch of the decade, as your boyfriend.”
Gwen scrunched her nose. “Not sure I’d call him my boyfriend.”
“What would you call him, then?”
Gwen shrugged. “The guy I’m temporarily sleeping with.”
“Come on, you don’t believe that. You wouldn’t have slept with him if that were the case.”
Eyes bugged, Gwen asked, “You’ve seen Blake Stone, right?”
Allie laughed, “Yes. But still, I know you, and you wouldn’t have given it up if you didn’t think it could lead somewhere.”
“Oh, I know where it’s leading. A broken heart.”
“You love him?” Allie’s expression was one of awe mixed with disbelief.
“Don’t be silly. It’s only been three weeks, and I barely know him.” She set her mascara down and gave Allie her full attention. “But I do like him. A lot. And I think it can turn into love eventually.” That was a little white lie. She didn’t think she could love him, she knew she could.
“That still doesn’t mean things will end in a broken heart or that things will even end. What ifhefalls in love withyou?”
Gwen didn’t respond, but she thought that was abigwhat if.
Floating. Cool air hitting her face. The beep of a car alarm. Her eyes slit open to find Blake cradling her. “What’s going on?”
He jiggled her a bit to open the car door. “Taking you home.”